In this country you get lakhs of rupees for telling stories to put people to sleep, this is a new way of business

In this country you get lakhs of rupees for telling stories to put people to sleep, this is a new way of business

 In your childhood, you must have heard the elders of the house saying that do such work, which gives good sleep at night. Sleep is the most important thing in the life of any human being. But have you ever thought that someone will charge money just to make you sleep well. Yes, today we are going to tell you about such a business model, where money is charged to make you sleep peacefully. 


Sleep is the most important thing in the life of any human being and animal. If the person does not get enough sleep, then he is not able to work the next day. But in today’s fast-paced life, sometimes due to stress and sometimes due to loneliness, people often do not get sleep at night. But today we are going to tell you about such a business model where a girl charges a hefty fee just for putting a child to sleep peacefully.

Putting to sleep by telling a story

Let us tell you that according to the report of South China Morning Post, the demand for sleepmakers has increased a lot in China. This demand is especially of those people who are working 12 hours a day for 6 days a week and have marriage and other stresses of life. Sleepmakers calm such people by telling them stories and talking to them and put them to sleep. According to a media report, Taozi, who works as a part time sleepmaker, says that she herself had taken this service earlier, after which she has started doing it part time. She listens to the problems of people which they cannot tell their loved ones. According to him, when the customers who come to him say what they want, they sleep well.

Good business model

Actually, this work does not only involve putting people to sleep peacefully, but the earnings in this business are also quite good. It has a complete business model in China. It has different categories there. If someone takes the service on hourly basis, then he has to pay 260 Yuan i.e. 3000 rupees per hour. On the other hand, if someone takes full time service for a month, then he has to pay 3.5 lakh rupees. Most of these clients are in the age group of 30-40 years, who just want to say what they want. Some people like to sleep after listening to lovely stories.

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