In Thorpe Hamlet Village Kids Are Banned From Playing Outside Know The Reason Behind This

In Thorpe Hamlet Village Kids Are Banned From Playing Outside Know The Reason Behind This

Kids Are Banned From Playing Outside Here: There is always a discussion about the same thing that physical activities are decreasing in our lifestyle. Be it children or elders, they are not as active as they should be physically. Today’s children waste all their time playing games in mobile phones, due to which they also suffer many types of losses, one of which is not being physically active. In such a situation, parents often encourage their children to play outside in the park or at home. You will be surprised to know that there is a place in the world where parents do not allow their children to play outside the house, rather they are asked to play inside the house.

what are the parents afraid of

According to the report of Daily Star, there is a place named Norwich which is present in the United Kingdom. People in Norwich strictly forbid their children to play outside. Those people are always in fear that if the children go out, they will not be able to return. It is not at all that there is a criminal living in that village who kidnaps children or kills children, and it is not at all that there is a shadow of ghost-vampire or any spirit living in that village. Now you too must be thinking that what is the reason that parents do not allow their children to go out alone. Let us tell you the reason behind parents doing this.

reason not to go out of the house

The parents of that village are afraid of their children getting buried inside the earth because this whole village is in such a place which is not considered safe. Yes, in this small village called Thorpe Hamlet, it has become very risky for the children to go out of the house. The people living in this village say that they ask their children to play at home because many sinkholes have been made on the road outside the house and it is never known who might fall into them. Not only this, the people of this village also have a problem that sinkholes are increasing continuously and these sinkholes can also sink their houses inside them at any time. That’s why the people there have almost stopped going out unnecessarily.

How did you know about the sinkhole?

The people of that village came to know about the sinkhole for the first time when a tree in their garden went missing. The authority has installed resistance on the edges of these pits, but even after this more measures are needed. At present, a 12 feet deep pit has been formed in this village, after which the problems of the villagers have increased even more. Now the villagers are beginning to feel that these sinkholes can end their lives at any time.

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