In which countries like Russia, people are producing fewer children, the government is also appealing to have relationships

In which countries like Russia, people are producing fewer children, the government is also appealing to have relationships

At present many countries around the world are facing the problem of population growth. Apart from this, the decreasing population in some countries is also becoming a big problem . Especially in countries like Russia, where the birth rate has declined, Governments are taking new measures to solve this problem. Russian President Vladimir Putin has urged his citizens to have physical relations while working in the office. So let’s know today what is the reason for the decreasing population in Russia.

Why is the population decreasing in Russia?

The continuously decreasing population in Russia has become a major cause of concern. Russian President Putin said that protecting Russian citizens is our priority. The future of Russians now depends on their numbers. Meanwhile, Russian Health Minister Dr Yevgeny Shestopalov said that work pressure cannot be an excuse for not having a child. . You can also have sex by taking a break from work. According to a report in British newspaper Metro, Putin has said this to correct the falling birth rate in the country.

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What is the birth rate in Russia

Tell me the birth rate in Russia 1.5 children per woman. At the same time, to maintain the population of the country The birth rate should be 2.1 children per woman. Since the start of the war against Ukraine, Russia’s 10 lakh citizens have left the country so far. Most of the people involved in this are from the youth category.

Putin expressed concern over the country’s declining birth rate

Russian President Putin said that, 8 children. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Putin has expressed concern about the declining birth rate of the country. Earlier in December last year, Putin had told the women of Russia that they should have at least 8 Have children. The tradition of large families needs to be introduced into Russian homes.

He said that in many communities even today there is a trend of increasing the family and maintaining traditions by having more children . We need to remember that in the times of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, There were 7-8 children.

The birth rate has decreased so much

According to Russian government data, The birth rate in Russia has reached its lowest level since 1999. At the same time, it is the world’s top country in terms of population."s1"> Russia is among the 10 countries to have Less than 1 lakh children were born. Please tell Around "s1"> 6 lakh children were born. This is more than last year 16 thousand less. Apart from this, in Russia from January to June this year 3 lakh More than 25 thousand people died. Because of this the population of the country is continuously decreasing."s1">.

Birth rate is decreasing in these countries too

South Korea, Governments in countries like Italy and Japan are also worried about the declining population . Low birth rate has become an important issue in these countries.

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