in which country was the number plate installed on vehicles for the first time and know why was it started facts

in which country was the number plate installed on vehicles for the first time and know why was it started facts

Nowadays it is common to have number plates on vehicles., The number plate of a vehicle identifies who owns it., Many things like which state one belongs to can be known from the number plate., But do you know in which country number plates were first installed on vehicles and why?, Let us know the answer to this interesting question today,

What is the history of number plates on vehicles?,

Start of installing number plates on vehicles 19took place at the end of the 19th century, With the increasing number of vehicles, the traffic pressure on the roads was also increasing., Along with this, the number of accidents was also increasing., In such a situation, it became necessary to find a systematic way of identifying vehicles.,

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First Number plate Where? planted Went,

The credit for being the first to install number plates on vehicles goes to France.1893 Number plates were made mandatory for motor vehicles in France for the first time in, The registration number of the vehicle was on these number plates., So that police and other officials could identify the vehicle,

Other countries In Number plates How reached,

After France, other European countries also started installing number plates on vehicles., in britain 1903 in and in germany 1906 Number plates were made mandatory in, even in America 20In the beginning of the 20th century, many states made laws to put number plates on vehicles.,

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When did number plates start being installed on vehicles in India?,

Start of installing number plates on vehicles in India 1947 I was born after independence, Vehicle registration number on number plates in India, State code and vehicle type are written,

Nowadays, number plates are no longer just a means of identifying vehicles. In many countries, number plates contain various types of information about the owner of the vehicle., such as car model, engine number, chassis number etc.,

What is the importance of number plates?,

Identification, Vehicles can be easily identified by number plates., Which makes it easier to find the culprit in cases of accidents.,

Tax Collection, Tax is collected from vehicle owners through number plates,

transportation Control, Controlling traffic becomes easier through number plates,

Crime Control, Number plates are very useful in finding stolen vehicles.,

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