India Coronavirus Situation Covid Cases And Deaths In India One Week Active Cases Of Corona

India Coronavirus Situation Covid Cases And Deaths In India One Week Active Cases Of Corona

India Corona Update: The danger of corona has increased once again in the country. However, a surge in corona cases has not been seen so far. No increase has been seen in deaths due to corona. Along with this, active cases have also come down to 3,380 only. Even after the decrease in the cases, there is concern about the corona in the country because once again the corona has started increasing in China. Also, cases of BF.7 variant of Corona have come to the fore in India. In such a situation, now the Government of India has stepped up the preparations regarding this.

In the last 24 hours i.e. on Friday, 163 new cases of corona were reported in the country. Along with this, active cases of corona have also reduced. The Union Health Ministry said that the active cases of corona in the country have come down to 3,380. There has been a decrease of 22 active patients in a day. At the same time, 6 people have also lost their lives in the last 24 hours from Corona, after which the total death toll has now increased to 5 lakh 30 thousand 690.

Less than two thousand corona cases in 10 days

Earlier on December 22 in the country corona virus 185 cases were reported. After which the total number of active cases in the country had increased to 4,46,76,515. At the same time, on December 21, only 131 cases of corona were reported. Only three people died of corona on this day. The reduction in cases is also because there has been a significant reduction in corona testing.

Corona cases had started declining since July in the country. Even in a week, less than 1,200 cases of corona have been reported. According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 1,566 cases of corona have been reported in the country from 14 to 23 December i.e. within 10 days. At present there are a total of 3,380 active cases in the country. At present, corona testing has reduced in the country.

How ready is India to fight Corona

According to government statistics, by June 2022, there are more than 13.08 lakh allopathic doctors across the country. Apart from these, there are also 5.64 lakh AYUSH doctors. Accordingly, there is one doctor for every 834 people in India. The central and state governments are engaged in preparations to fight Corona. Random corona test has become necessary in India for international passengers from today. Apart from this, the nasal vaccine was also added to the Co-Win portal on the previous day (December 23). It will be used like a booster dose.

read this also:

Covid-19: Random Covid test of international passengers will be done at the airport from today, thermal screening will also have to be done

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