India Summoned Bangladesh High Commissioner News Can India Arrest Bangladesh High Commissioner

India Summoned Bangladesh High Commissioner News Can India Arrest Bangladesh High Commissioner

India has taken tough steps against Bangladesh in the Sheikh Hasina case. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has summoned Nurul Islam, Acting High Commissioner of Bangladesh. The Ministry of External Affairs has also given strict instructions to the Bangladeshi High Commissioner against India’s negative rhetoric against India. Let me tell you, Bangladesh leader Sheikh Hasina, who was recently living in India, called her supporters to stand against the Younus government of Bangladesh, after which Bangladesh made statements against India.

Now the question is that action like arrest can be taken against India on Bangladesh’s wrong rhetoric and arrest like the Bangladesh High Commissioner? Can this be done with the diplomat of another country? What is a diplomatic immunity? How does it get it? What is the rule in this case? Let’s know …

Diplomatic immunity gets diplomatic immunity

When there are diplomatic relations between the two countries, which are given diplomatic immunity to diplomats or High Commissioners posted in another country. Under this, legal protection is given to diplomats representing their country deployed on foreign soil. It protects them from arrest or other action against immune diplomats. During the Vienna Convention in 1961, 187 countries including India agreed on it. It was said that diplomatic staff, administrative, technical and other staff are exempted from criminal action.

When not getting immunity to diplomats

No diplomat gets a diplomatic immunity when he is abroad on a private tour. During this time, the law applies to him like an ordinary citizen. Apart from this, diplomatic discounts are also not given in the case of fraud associated with property or funds. If the matter is related to a serious crime, action can be taken. Let me tell you, diplomatic immunity is given to the diplomat as well as his entire family.

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