Indian Army sharang cannon name on lord Vishnu bow know its specialty for war

Sharang Cannon: Hindu God Lord Vishnu had many weapons like Sudarshan Chakra, Narayana Astra, Vaishnavastra, Kaumodaki Mace, Nandak Sword, among which Sharang Bow was also one. Sharang is also pronounced as Sharang or Sarang.

The army’s ‘Sharang cannon’ is named after Lord Vishnu’s bow

The Indian Army’s cannon was also named Sharang after this bow of Lord Vishnu. This cannon is considered to be the largest cannon in the country. You will be surprised to know the specialty of this cannon. It is said that the range of the Sharang cannon is 36 kilometers. Its weight is 8.4 tons and the length of the barrel is about 7 meters. It fires 9 shells in 3 minutes. Also, this cannon is completely foreign.

The Legend of the Sharanga Bow

There are religious and mythological stories related to the Sharanga bow. It is said that it was constructed by Lord Vishwakarma, the universal architect and maker of weapons.

According to the popular legend associated with Sharanga bow, once Lord Brahma, in order to know who is better between Vishnu and Shiv, caused a dispute between the two. Due to this dispute, such a terrible duel took place that the balance of the entire universe was disturbed. Then Brahma and other gods urged him to stop this war. Shiva got angry and gave his bow Pinak to a king, who was the ancestor of King Janak. Lord Vishnu also gave his Sharanga bow to Rishi Richik.

With the passage of time, the Sharanga bow was received by Lord Parshuram, the grandson of Rishi Richik. Parshuram then gave it to Lord Rama, the incarnation of Vishnu. After this, Rama used it and gave it to Varuna, the god of water. After this, in the Mahabharata, Varun Dev gave Sharanga to Shri Krishna. In the Mahabharata war, Shri Krishna helped Arjuna as a charioteer and also used the Sharanga bow.

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