indian Crorepati Village this village is not of poor but of millionaires there is immense wealth in every house facts

indian Crorepati Village this village is not of poor but of millionaires there is immense wealth in every house facts

Crorepati Village: Whenever there is talk of villages, the thought of poverty and agriculture comes to people’s mind, But what if we tell you about a village where there is no talk of poverty and there is no poor person here?, Yes!, There is only one such village in the world which is located in India, In this village 50 There are more millionaires than, This is the reason why this village is called the village of millionaires of India, Actually we ,Hiware Bazar Village, are talking about, This village is located in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra state of India, The people here have crores of rupees in their bank accounts, Let us know the interesting story of this village today.,

How Hiware Bazaar became a village of millionaires,

Let us tell you that Hiware Bazaar village located in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra used to be one of the most vulnerable places to drought., There was a time when this region was struggling with crop failure due to excessive loans and drought, Due to which the farmers of this village even took steps like suicide,

The situation became even worse when 1972 There was drought and poverty in, Most families lived on community-owned land, But the ongoing drought in the village makes it impossible for them to grow or sell food, At that time approximately 90% People moved to urban areas in search of a better life,

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how luck changed,

Year 1988 The condition of this village remained worse till, then years 1989 This proved to be a turning point in the fortunes of this village.1989 In 1938 Popatrao Pawar was unanimously elected as the leader of the village., those who are local,In Hindi language it is also called Sarpanch., Pawar first focused on eliminating the risks associated with smoking and drinking by shutting down all illicit liquor trade in the village,

After this he prohibited the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, Now another big reason for the bad condition of this village was the lack of water, Which was cleverly handled by Popatrao Pawar, He soon realised that the water needs of the village needed to be solved, Because it rains very little every year., Pawar took a loan and started rain water harvesting in the village, Launched a programme for watershed protection and management, In this way, with the help of people, he built many waterways, In which 32 Stone dams52 Earthen dams, Check dams and percolation tanks included to prevent rain, He also focused on planting more trees and asked villagers to help invest in animal husbandry and rainwater harvesting,

The condition of such an improved village

The village started to develop when the watershed helped the locals in irrigation and also in harvesting various crops, At present, there are approximately 294 There are water wells, Whereas 1990 The number of these in the decade 90 Was, Within a few years, farming was back in full swing in this village and became the main source of revenue for the local people, Now all the people in this village are millionaires and the village is called the village of millionaires.,

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