Instead of decorating the house, the girl does ‘building houses’, people do not understand the profession!

Instead of decorating the house, the girl does ‘building houses’, people do not understand the profession!

Woman Works Bricklayer: If seen in general, there is no gender of any profession, but it is also true that while some professions are considered good for women, there are some professions where men put their hand Don’t want to try For example, be it the profession of mason, truck driver or electrician, women are almost negligible in this. When a woman wants to go into such a profession, people start pulling her leg.

Generally, some soft career options are given for girls, but a girl named Darcy Richards is making her career as a mason. Many people are not liking this decision of his. Darcy, a resident of Britain, has chosen this career for herself and while choosing the wall, she keeps posting all the videos on social media as well.

The girl befriended brick and cement
Darcy Richards has chosen the work of a mason not out of any compulsion but out of his own free will and he finds it very interesting as well. According to Metro’s report, Darcy believes that she is working to break the stereotypical career choice and wants to tell that women of the 21st century can do anything. He says that for the work of a mason, a person does not need to be a bodybuilder, but ability is needed. Darcy wants to inspire others for this work by sharing videos of her work, although she also has to bear the brunt of it in the form of trolling.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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