intense exercise affect a school girl menstrual cycle know about myths vs facts

intense exercise affect a school girl menstrual cycle know about myths vs facts

Many times, due to excessive playing, menstruation may not come even if there is no menstruation. Doing excessive exercise can cause hormonal changes due to which menstruation may be less than normal. Too much exercise can cause your period to be less than normal. Can alter the hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle. Due to hormonal changes, sometimes there may be problem of stress, dieting or weight loss during periods.

A research found that 38.17% of girls in North India are absent from school at least once due to menstruation. For an average of 2.4 days per menstrual cycle, girls may not have access to clean toilets, changing rooms or menstrual products. They may not even have access to water and soap. Girls may feel shy or unable to talk openly about menstruation. Many schools do not provide menstrual health education. And there is a shortage in the number of teachers trained to teach about menstrual hygiene.

This is the effect on the body of playing during periods

Can really help reduce discomfort and improve your mood. The world of fitness is full of misconceptions. Following a running routine can reduce some of the symptoms accompanying menstruation. Running during your period can improve your mood by releasing endorphins, as well as provide relief from period cramps and back pain.

Although every person’s body is different, the average menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days. In this case ovulation will occur approximately on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The first half of the menstrual cycle is known as the follicular phase. While the other half of the cycle is called the luteal phase.

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The follicular phase begins with the beginning of each menstrual cycle and lasts for approximately 14 days (ranging from 10 to 16 days). After your period, which can last two to seven days, estrogen levels increase and peak around the 14th day, just before ovulation. Then, there is a surge of luteinizing hormone, causing ovulation. The level of another hormone called progesterone remains low for this phase.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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