International Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day Nazi Germany

International Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day Nazi Germany

International Holocaust Remembrance Day: The world is celebrating International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday (January 27). Every year this day is celebrated on January 27 as a remembrance of the victims of the Jewish genocide. Even today every human being trembles due to the horrors of Nazi genocide during World War II. The Nazis and their allies had exterminated millions of Jews.

The United Nations General Assembly in its 42nd Plenary Session declared 27 January as International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 1 November 2005.

6 million Jews were massacred

During World War II, a large number of Jews were massacred. During 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany killed about 6 million Jews in Europe. Israel gave refuge to a large number of Jews in the wake of the Holocaust. Before the Nazi invasion, Hungary was home to about 900,000 Jews. Its government was allied with Nazi Germany, but as Soviet forces advanced towards Hungary, the Nazis invaded in March 1944 to prevent their arch-ally from entering a separate peace agreement with the Allies.

promote holocaust education

According to figures from Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust memorial, in the following 10 months, the Nazis and their collaborators killed 568,000 Jews in Hungary. The Holocaust Memorial Museum ‘Yad Vashem’ in Jerusalem is working to open the way to bring Holocaust awareness to the Arab-speaking world.

role of the united nations

The United Nations (UN) marks this day to remember the victims of the Nazi regime and to promote Holocaust education around the world. This year’s theme highlights the plight of Holocaust victims. The theme of this year’s Holocaust Remembrance and Education is ‘Home and Belonging’. According to the United Nations, it makes a person aware of his responsibilities towards the victims of atrocities.

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