International Yoga Day 2024 Benefits of Yoga and Common Diseases read full article in Hindi

International Yoga Day 2024 Benefits of Yoga and Common Diseases read full article in Hindi

International Yoga Day 2024: Yoga Day will be celebrated all over the world on 21st June. The main purpose behind celebrating Yoga Day is to make people aware of yoga amidst bad lifestyle and eating habits. It is said that yoga removes diseases but how? If you do yoga daily, then your body will get energy.

Doing yoga helps in getting rid of these diseases

Your immunity will be strong. Eyesight will be sharp. Not only this, a person starts looking younger than his age. Beauty starts increasing. Apart from all this, doing yoga improves blood circulation as well as metabolism. You also get relief from the problem of gas and acidity. Brain and memory also become sharp.

This is the right way to do Kapalabhati

If you do Kapalbhati daily, you will get rid of kidney related diseases forever. Energy increases in the body. Doing it daily also reduces dark circles under the eyes.
While doing Kapalbhati, pay special attention to the way of breathing. Increase and decrease the speed of breathing. While inhaling, the stomach should be outward and while exhaling, the stomach should be inward. If you have hernia, ulcer, respiratory disease or hypertension, then you should do Kapalbhati only after consulting a doctor.


Obesity is the cause of many diseases. If you control your weight then many diseases will not even touch you. To reduce obesity, you should do yogasanas like Tadasana, Trikonasana, Padhastasan and Parsvakonasana.


There is no cure for diabetes, it can only be controlled with medicines. If you want to control this disease, then you must do yoga along with your diet. To control it, there are Kapalbhati Pranayama, Dhanurasana and Chakrasana, which can reduce the problem of diabetes.


Obesity is the cause of many diseases. If you control your weight then many diseases will not even touch you. To reduce obesity, you should do yogasanas like Tadasana, Trikonasana, Padhastasan and Parsvakonasana.


There is no cure for diabetes, it can only be controlled with medicines. If you want to control this disease, then you must do yoga along with your diet. To control it, there are Kapalbhati Pranayama, Dhanurasana and Chakrasana, which can reduce the problem of diabetes.


High blood pressure is the gateway to many diseases. If someone has high BP problem once, he can also have heart disease. If you want to keep it under control, you can do Paschimottanasana, Shavasana, Pranayama and Adho-Mukhsvanasana.


Migraine occurs when blood circulation in the brain is poor. This causes severe headache. Shirshasana or headstand can be very beneficial in migraine. Apart from this, Ushtrasana, Balasana and Shavasana can also be beneficial.


Asthma patients should definitely do yoga because it helps air reach the lungs. This relieves breathing problems. Pranayama and Dhanurasana can be beneficial to avoid asthma or breathing problems.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

read this also: International Yoga Day 2024: What you can eat and what you cannot eat after doing yoga, see the complete list

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