international yoga day 2024 foods to eat and what not to eat after yogasana

Yoga Day 2024 : Yogasana gives strength to the whole body and makes it healthy. It helps in strengthening not only physical but also mental health. The main objective of yoga is ‘a healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. Some things should be kept in mind before and after yogasana. This Yoga Day (International Yoga Day 2024) we are going to tell you what you can eat after yoga and what you cannot. So that the body can get maximum benefits.

What to eat before doing yoga
You can eat some fruits at least 45 minutes before yoga practice. These can be bananas, berries or other fruits. You can start your day with protein rich foods like yogurt, dry fruits, oatmeal, smoothie, eggs, homemade protein shakes.

What to eat after doing yoga
Water should be drunk at least half an hour after doing yoga, so that the electrolytes lost during yoga practice can be replenished. Super nutritious foods should be eaten after the yoga session. This can include fresh seasonal fruits or vegetable salads. Eating curd-cereals with boiled eggs, dry fruits and seeds can be beneficial.

When to eat before doing yoga in the evening
A light breakfast should be taken at least an hour before practicing yoga in the evening. It should be such that it can provide energy to the body. If you want, you can eat a bowl of boiled vegetables, salad, or dry fruits.

What not to eat before or after yoga
One should always avoid oily, spicy and fried foods before and after doing yoga. Fatty foods should also not be consumed, as this can slow down digestion. The body should remain hydrated before yoga in the morning or evening. For this, drinking water, coconut water or lemonade is beneficial. One should take care that there is no shortage of water.

Your diet should be chemical free

Another belief is that the diet should be free of chemicals. You should avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and artificial and processed sweeteners. These foods have the ability to distract you and can interfere with your yoga routine.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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