International Yoga Day 2024 skin face yoga practice delivers more than just glowing skin benefits

International Yoga Day 2024: You can get back the glow of your skin through facial yoga. Because when you do yoga, the blood circulation of your skin increases and then oxygen reaches the skin cells. Due to which it becomes more fresh. If you do facial yoga daily, then the loose skin becomes tight and due to this the lost glow comes back.

Why is facial yoga important?

Those whose skin looks loose and full of wrinkles should definitely do yoga as it tightens their skin. You can also do facial yoga. It helps in clearing the skin colour as well as tightening the skin. Today we will tell you about face yoga in detail.

Warm up your muscles

Before doing face yoga, warm up your face. Because taking too much stress causes the muscles to stretch. The more you stretch your muscles, the more glow your face will have. So open your mouth and stick out your tongue.

Warm up your muscles

Before doing face yoga, warm up your face. Because taking too much stress causes the muscles to stretch. The more you stretch your muscles, the more glow your face will have. For this, open your mouth and take out your tongue. During this, open your eyes as wide as possible. While doing this, move the retina of your eye sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left. During this, do eye movements but keep the face still. After moving the face like this for 2 minutes, give it rest and then do this kind of practice again and again.

Fill your mouth with air and massage gently with your fingers. While massaging, cover both cheeks completely. Now take out the air from your mouth and then massage your face with light hands. Doing this relaxes the muscles. You can do this 5 times a day.

You can relax your face easily

To relax the skin of your chin, place the chin between both the palms. Now massage by applying pressure from bottom to top. You can also use this method while doing fresh massage. Because the pores of the skin of the face are on the bottom side, when you massage using oil or cream, it gets absorbed in your skin quickly. Stick out your tongue and press the hands on both sides of the forehead. Stick out your tongue and apply pressure on the muscles.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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