International Yoga Day 2024 these yogasanas are best for women improves health and benefits read full article in hindi

International Yoga Day 2024: Like every year, this year too International Yoga Day will be celebrated on 21st June. Yoga is very important for every person. It is said that yoga cures diseases. Actually, in today’s hustle and bustle, people do not get time for themselves.

Due to household and office work, people are not able to give themselves as much time as they should. In such a situation, the purpose of celebrating Yoga Day is that people should take out half an hour or even 15 minutes of their own time, because yoga or exercise is very important in this hustle and bustle. In this article, we will talk about why it is important for women to do yoga.

As women grow older, many changes occur in their body. Many types of hormonal changes occur due to which women become victims of many diseases. Many times hormonal changes occur due to poor eating habits and lifestyle.

Women should do this special yoga as they grow older

Today we will tell you about some yogasanas with the help of which women can keep themselves absolutely fit in their old age. At the same time, they will also be protected from the risk of serious diseases. Let us know in detail in this article which exercises are beneficial in old age.


This asana should definitely be done as one grows older. Especially after 30, every woman should start doing this asana. It not only stretches the upper part of the body but also brings glow to the face.

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Women who are overweight should definitely do this yoga. This also keeps the body posture correct. The whole body gets stretched properly.

Butterfly Pose

Women who have problems related to periods should do this asana regularly. This should strengthen the muscles of the thighs and legs.

Chakki Chalanasana (Chakki Chalanasana)

Every woman should do this asana because women drink less water than men. Doing this yoga strengthens many parts of the body including uterus, ovaries, kidneys.


By doing this asana, the whole body gets stretched. Due to which the pain gets relieved. Also, it reduces stress and tension.


This exercise is the best exercise for waist, hips and thighs. It strengthens the legs and keeps the legs in shape.

Bridge pose(setu bandhasana)

It strengthens the lower part of the body. It also reduces the pain in the waist and hips and provides a lot of relief.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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