international yoga day 2024 yoga asanas while lying on bed know benefits

International Yoga Day 2024 : Yoga has many tremendous health benefits. Yoga should be practiced regularly to keep the body active and improve the heart and mind. However, due to busy life schedule, many people nowadays are unable to find time for yoga.

Fatigue or laziness does not allow them to get up from the bed. Due to which many diseases can surround them. In such a situation, there are some asanas that you can do while lying on the bed inside the room and improve your health. After waking up in the morning, you can do these yogasanas on the bed for 10 to 15 minutes. Let’s know about these yoga asanas…

1. Bhujangasana
This asana can be done easily by lying on the bed. Doing this asana after waking up in the morning strengthens the arms, stretches the muscles and gets rid of belly fat.

How to do asana
Lie down on the bed on your stomach and bring both hands in front of your shoulders.
Keeping the entire body in a straight line, lift the upper part with the arms and keep the legs straight.
Raise the part above your waist in the air and remain in this position for some time.
Now come back to normal state.

2. Pawanmuktasana
You can do Pavanamuktasana by lying down on the bed. The practice of this asana brings flexibility in the body, strengthens the spine and removes body fatigue.

How to do asana
Lie down on the bed and fold both your legs together.
Place your knees on your chest and hold your legs with your hands.
Stay in this position for some time and take deep breaths and exhale.
Now come back to normal state.

3. Matsyasana
You can practice this asana on the bed itself. Matsyasana is also known as fish pose. This helps in faster growth of hair and regular practice keeps the body healthy.

How to do asana
First of all, sit in Padmasana and slowly bend backwards and lie down on your back.
Now hold the left foot properly with the right hand and the right foot properly with the left hand.
Try to keep your knees close to the ground by keeping your elbows on the ground.
While breathing, lift your head backwards.
In this position, keep breathing in and out slowly.
Now come back to normal position.

4. Bridge Pose
Setubandhasanas can also be done very easily while lying on the bed. This can help in getting rid of problems like arthritis. This asana is considered very beneficial for women. This improves blood circulation. This provides good stretching of the neck, spine, chest and hips.

How to do asana
First of all, lie down on your back and keep your hands by your side.
Slowly bend your legs from the knees and bring them near the hips.
Raise your hips off the floor as much as you can.
Hold your breath for a while and then exhale and come back to normal state.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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