international yoga day 2024 yogaasanas help to fight disease avoid mistakes

International Yoga Day 2024 : Yoga is beneficial for the body and mind in many ways. It not only makes the body agile but also keeps many diseases at bay. International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June. Doing yoga also keeps the mind happy. However, some mistakes should be avoided during yoga. Know here which diseases can be cured by doing yoga and which mistakes should not be made.

These diseases will be cured by yoga

1. Obesity
Doing yoga cures many diseases related to obesity. Doing yoga regularly reduces weight. Tadasana, Trikonasana, Padhastasan and Parsvakonasana are considered to be the most effective asanas for reducing obesity.

2. Diabetes
There is no cure for diabetes but this disease can be controlled by controlling the blood sugar level. There are some simple exercises which can control blood sugar. These include Kapalabhati Pranayama, Dhanurasana and Chakrasana, which can reduce the problem of diabetes.

3. Hypertension
Many diseases can surround the body due to high blood pressure. Hypertension can be cured by yoga. This problem can be avoided by yoga and meditation. For this, you can do Paschimottanasana, Shavasana, Pranayama and Adho-Mukhsvanasana.

4. Migraine
When there is no proper blood circulation in the brain, migraine occurs, which is very painful. With the help of yoga, blood can be easily supplied to the brain. This keeps the mind fresh. Shirshasana or headstand can be very beneficial in migraine. Apart from this, Ushtrasana, Balasana and Shavasana can also be beneficial.

5. Asthma
Yoga is no less than a panacea for asthma patients. Breathing problems can be cured by yoga. It can also help in getting rid of inhalers. Yoga works to deliver fresh air to the lungs, which can relieve breathing problems. Pranayama and Dhanurasana can be beneficial to avoid asthma or breathing problems.

Do not make these mistakes while doing yoga

1. Yogasana should not be done on an empty stomach. This can cause many problems.
2. Wrong breathing technique should not be adopted while doing yoga. Otherwise problems can increase.
3. Wrong and tight clothes should not be worn during yoga. Yoga should always be done on the mat. Keep cleaning clothes and yoga mat on time.
4. One should avoid doing wrong yogasanas, otherwise many problems can arise. Yogasanas should be selected only on the advice of experts.
5. Wrong posture while doing yoga can cause trouble, hence in the beginning, one should do yoga under the supervision of a yoga expert.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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