Iran Pakistan Conflict Jaish Al Adal Militant Group

Iran Pakistan Conflict Jaish Al Adal Militant Group

Jaish Al Adal: The Iranian army on Tuesday attacked Pakistan’s Baluchistan area with missiles and drones. Iran claimed that the terrorist organization Jaish al-Adl has established a base in this area. After this attack, diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Iran also turned sour. Pakistan recalled its diplomats from Iran and closed its doors to Iranian diplomats in Pakistan.

On Thursday (January 18), Pakistan also carried out air strikes in Iran’s territory. Terrorist organization Jaish-al-Adal has also reacted to the attack. The organization wrote on its Telegram channel Adal Media, “Iran attacked the houses of some members of the organization. Due to the attack, the houses of two members were destroyed and their family members died. Their family members died and He is also injured.

What is Jaish al-Adl?

Jaish al Adal is a terrorist organization. Till the year 2012, the name of this organization used to be Jundullah. The organization claims that it ‘protects’ the rights of the people of the Sunni community in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province. Iran has been claiming that Jaish al-Adl is given shelter in Pakistan. The leader of this terrorist organization is Salahuddin Farooqui.

He is the leader of this organization since 2011. In the year 2003, Abdul Malik Regi had laid the foundation of Jaish Al Adal, he was also the leader of the organization for a long time. However, he was arrested in Iran in 2010 and then he was given death sentence.

Jaish al-Adl named in how many attacks?

Jaish al-Adl usually targets Iranian soldiers. In May 2009, the organization carried out a suicide attack on a mosque in Zahedan, Iran. At least 30 people were killed in this attack while 300 were injured. After this, 40 people were killed in a suicide attack in an open market in Pishin, Iran. Jaish al-Adl was killed in this attack also.

In 2010, Jaish al-Adl was also involved in the attack on a mosque in Chahbahar, Iran. About 40 civilians were killed and 100 were seriously injured in the attack. In 2019 also, the organization had bombed a bus carrying the Iranian army, in which 27 were killed and 18 were injured. In 2022, Jaish al-Adl attacked the Sistan-Baluchistan police station and killed 19 people.

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