Iran Presidential Election: Women cannot become president in Iran, know what is this special rule

After the death of Iran’s President Ibrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, presidential elections are to be held in Iran on June 28. Candidates are registering to take part in the presidential elections. But do you know due to which rules women are prohibited from becoming president in Iran. Today we will tell you the reason behind this.

Registration for the post of President has started

Registration has started for the presidential election to be held on June 28 in Iran. Among many candidates in Iran, a former female MLA Zohreh Ilahian is also in the race to become president. But her presidential candidature is considered to be over even before contesting the elections. Now the question is that under which rules her candidature is considered to be over i.e. before contesting the elections.  

Who is Ilahian

Ilahian is a citizen of Iran and she is 57 years old. Apart from this, she is also a doctor by profession. After entering politics, she has been elected to the parliament twice. Apart from this, she has also been a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament. But still it is being said that it is difficult for her to become the President. Who approves the candidates? Who approves the candidates? Now the question is who approves the names of the candidates contesting the presidential election in Iran? The Guardian Council oversees elections and law in Iran. Let us tell you that this is a 12-member council of jurists, whose members are either appointed or approved by the Supreme Leader. The Guardian Council will investigate the candidates applying for the post of President after the five-day registration period. Iranian Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi told State TV that the investigation process takes seven days. After this, the eligible candidates get about two weeks time for election campaign. The Guardian Council will release the list of eligible candidates on June 11.

Women banned from contesting presidential elections in Iran?

According to the information, Iran’s election law says that the age of candidates contesting for the President should be between 40 and 75 years. They should have at least a master’s degree. But due to Article 115 of the Iranian Constitution, the claim of female candidates is considered difficult.

According to Article 15, the presidential candidate should be one of the famous religious and political personalities. Let us tell you that Rejal is basically an Arabic word, which means man. However, it is not clear yet whether the presidential candidates can only be men or both male and female candidates can be included. Let us tell you that according to the report of Human Rights Watch, 47 women had registered in the 2001 presidential elections. But all were disqualified by the Guardian Council. 80 candidates, including Ilahian, have registered for the presidential election.

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