Irudhi Pakkam Review: Not everyone can make a murder mystery

A lot of care has to be taken in making murder mystery films. In such stories, many tracks are going on simultaneously, almost every character is suspected of murder, many reasons for the murder are also visible, but instead of solving the case, it always gets complicated. There are very few murder mystery films in which the motive for the murder is really compelling and the person who is finally accused turns out to be a very vicious killer. The Tamil film Irudhi Pakkam, released on Amazon Prime Video, starts very well, and the task of finding the murderer in the film also goes smoothly for a short time, but as the layers are revealed, the audience is made aware of the unreliability of the story. There is a jolt and then the story derails, its gear breaks. Although many murder mystery films have been made in Tamil language and have been successful, Irudhi Pakkam disappoints in the end.

The story is also very strange. When it was written, there must have been a sense of mystery and adventure in it, but when such a film is made with half-baked actors, it is clear that this story should have been written better. This is the first film of writer-director Mano. Their intention must be that at first the reason for the murder is clearly visible, but gradually the story gets entangled in such a way that the viewer has to think who is the murderer. Regrettably, this thing does not emerge anywhere in the film. Eyal is a novelist who writes books based on true events around her life and often she herself is the main character in all these events. Readers see the real truth in his stories. At the very beginning of the film, an unknown person comes to his house and kills him. Police Inspector Kumar (Rajesh Balachandran) soon reaches the murderer, when the murderer tells them that he has committed the murder but he was paid for it by an unknown person, he does not even know the victim. The confusion of the case begins. Eyal’s boyfriend Mithun is interrogated and suspicion falls on him but Inspector Kumar’s investigation leads him to Eyal’s first boyfriend Prashant (Vignesh). One by one the secrets keep getting revealed. The biggest stupidity is shown that Eyal in his last and unfinished novel has covered the reality and has sent it to Inspector Kumar. The secret is exposed and the murderer is arrested.

Not a single actor’s performance is good. The performances of Amrita, Vignesh and Rajesh are average. Cinematography is average due to which even the atmosphere of mystery is not created. In murder mystery films, there is a practice of hiding the face or the crime is shown in such a way that the perpetrator is not known. Nothing like this happens in Irudhi Pakkam. The supporting cast is very mediocre and completely misfit in a film like this. of film budget If it is also limited, then the quality of production is also weak. The good thing about the film is that the film is short and the total collection gets over in 90 minutes. Every effort has been made to make Eyal’s character very bold. In order to write an erotic thriller novel, Eyal herself becomes involved with different men in order to bring reality to her story. This logic is beyond comprehension. The author’s effort to keep love and sex separate seems unbelievable because of Amrita’s acting. A lot of twists have been inserted in the story. At one point the power of the director gives the answer and the real murderer comes in front of the audience but the inspector takes time to solve the mystery. Even in Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s film Talaash, the audience had already known the secret, so that film did not work.

This is the second film of editor Ram Pandian and perhaps this is the reason why his work does not look mature. This is director Mano’s first film and apart from the fact that the duration of the film is short, the pace seems fine but there is no thrill in it. The audience does not feel any affinity with the character. In such films, sex is also filmed in a very casual manner, so the audience does not even understand the reason for watching the entire film. The flashback scenes are good one moment and weak the other. Such a film can be seen only when there is no other good film to watch and you don’t mind watching cheap Tamil thriller with weak actors. Otherwise, it will be fine even if you don’t watch this film.

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Tags: amazon prime video, movie review

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