Is intelligence greater or is it a buffalo? Asked Chat GPT and got this answer

Is intelligence greater or is it a buffalo?  Asked Chat GPT and got this answer

Our ancestors have created many idioms which describe different types of situations. In today’s generation, some people do not know the meaning of many idioms, for which they are taking the help of Artificial Intelligence. The most talked about AI these days is Chat GPT. Many types of questions are being raised regarding this. However, many people believe that wrong information is being given on Chat GPT. To check this, we asked one of the most popular idioms of India on Chat GPT. The answer to which was quite interesting. 

Akal Badi or Buffalo?
‘Akal Badi or Buffalo’ is one of the most spoken idioms in India. Which literally means that intelligence does not come just because the body becomes strong. This idiom is mostly used when a person’s work is spoiled or a person looks strong physically but is weak in intelligence.

Chat GPT’s funny answer
When this question was asked to Chat GPT, its answer was, "I am a computer program with weak intelligence, so I do not have ideas and it is difficult to make such comparisons with me." This answer of Chat GPT is making some people laugh while others are having trouble understanding this answer.

Even before this, the most asked question in India was asked from Chat GPT. To which he gave an interesting answer. In fact, when Chat GPT was asked whether the chicken came first or the egg? So he replied, ‘Scientifically speaking, an ancient biologist had answered that the egg came first. Because a bacteria had created the foundation of the egg, which is a structure, which later gives rise to different eggs. In such a situation, it can be said that the egg came first.

With this, only one question comes in the mind of every person that how can an egg be produced without a hen. In fact, when an organism takes birth from the organization of another organism, then generally the organism that gives birth to that organization is considered to be the first. Thus, the mother of the hen was the cock, which was later used to give birth to eggs, so from a philosophical perspective the cock came first. Therefore, the answer to this question is not definite and it is considered controversial.’

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