Is It Completely Safe To Kiss Pet Dogs Know What The New Research Says

Is It Completely Safe To Kiss Pet Dogs Know What The New Research Says

You must have often seen that people kiss their pets. Sometimes their pets even lick them with their tongue. You may find it strange to see this, but people who keep animals, that is, those who are fond of dogs and cats, do not think so, rather they see it as the love displayed by their stomach. However, many people believe that by doing this many types of infections can spread to humans through animals. But is it really so? Let us know what the new research on this says.

how safe is it to kiss dogs

According to a research conducted at Harvard University, there are about 600 different types of bacteria inside the mouth of dogs. At the same time, there are about 615 different types of bacteria in the mouth of humans. These are exactly the same as those in the mouth of dogs. That is, the bacteria found in the human mouth and the bacteria found in the dog’s mouth are almost of the same type, because of this it is believed that when you kiss your dog, it is not harmful to you and the diseases inside it. Because of kissing, it cannot come inside you, nor can the disease inside you affect your stomach.

Don’t make this mistake with other animals

However, this research has been done only on dogs. People who keep cats or other animals, if they kiss it, then you may become a victim of infection due to some bacteria. Along with this, it is the same with street dogs. Actually, street dogs eat many such things, due to which bacteria that spread many serious diseases start growing in their mouth. That’s why if you kiss them, you will become a victim of infection.

If you feed raw meat to the dog then avoid kissing

If you feed raw meat to your pet dog, do not kiss it even by mistake. Actually, due to eating raw meat, there is a danger of developing diseases like salmonella in their mouth. In such a situation, if you kiss such an animal which eats raw meat, then you will also become a victim of this disease.

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