Is It Right Or Wrong To Drink Alcohol On An Empty Stomach Side Effects Of Drinking Empty Stomach

Is It Right Or Wrong To Drink Alcohol On An Empty Stomach Side Effects Of Drinking Empty Stomach

Drinking Alcohol On Empty Stomach: Most people who drink alcohol know that alcohol affects a person’s ability to think, feel and act. In such a situation, if the question is whether drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is harmful or not? So the answer is yes, even drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can lead to the risk of death. The amount of alcohol in different types of drinks such as beer, wine and liquor also varies. A drink with a higher alcohol content has a greater effect on the body than a drink with a lower alcohol content. Let us know how harmful it is to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

effect of alcohol
It has been revealed in many researches that drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is injurious to health. When you drink alcohol, a small percentage of it enters the small blood vessels of the mouth and tongue. After this when up to 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood. After that, when the alcohol enters the small intestine, the remaining 75 to 85 percent is absorbed into the bloodstream. The blood stream carries the alcohol to different parts of the body.

Effects of drinking alcohol on an empty stomach
Food also plays a role in how one’s body handles alcohol. The small intestine absorbs alcohol very quickly. The longer alcohol stays in the stomach, the slower it is absorbed. Food prevents alcohol from entering your body and moving quickly into your small intestine. When you have food in your stomach before drinking, alcohol is absorbed more slowly.

Body parts can be damaged!
When you drink on an empty stomach, this alcohol quickly moves into the small intestine. After reaching here, most of it is absorbed into the blood stream. Drinking a small amount of alcohol on an empty stomach is not a major cause for concern, but drinking alcohol rapidly and in large quantities on an empty stomach can be very dangerous. In some cases, there may be damage to any part of the body and even death of the patient. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can also cause you to experience the usually harmless but unpleasant side effects of a hangover.

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These problems can happen if you drink empty stomach.

• Dizziness or feeling like the room is spinning.
• Excessive thirst.
• Feeling unstable.
• Trouble concentrating.
• Mild or severe headache.
• Depression, anxiety and feeling irritable and nauseated.
• Having trouble sleeping.
• Abdominal pain can also occur.
• Vomiting etc.

Usually you are advised that if there is no food in your stomach and you are on an empty stomach, then you should not drink liquor. Because by doing this it goes straight into your blood stream. At the same time, by drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, our pulse rate also falls and blood pressure also goes up and down.

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