is it true highly processed foods linked to early death read full article in hindi

is it true highly processed foods linked to early death read full article in hindi

Nowadays, people’s lifestyle has changed a lot compared to before. As people’s lifestyle has become western, their food habits have also changed completely. Nowadays, in order to earn money, people are leaving home food and prefer eating ‘ready to eat’ or junk food in office.

Junk food is very dangerous

People are liking junk food, fried food or packed food. For your information, let us tell you that these dirty habits are the main reasons for making people sick these days. According to a report published in the British Medical Journal, eating ultra-processed food significantly increases the risk of heart disease. Not only this, it can also cause death. This study is based on 30 years of research.

According to doctors, you satisfy your hunger by eating ultra-processed food but it is shortening your life. According to the report published in ‘Times of India’, if you eat occasionally then there is no problem, but if you are often eating junk or processed food then it can reduce your lifespan. Eating this much can also damage the organs because it contains high amounts of salt.

What did ICMR say?

According to ICMR, junk food contains a lot of fat which is not good for health. Also, eating too much of it can increase the blood sugar level. At the same time, the amount of salt in it is very high. If you want to keep yourself healthy, then you should focus on nutrients like coarse grains, fruits, vegetables, thin protein, fat. So that your life remains good and healthy.

Sweet biscuits, pastries, buns, cakes are all ultra processed foods.

Ultra-processed foods already include sausages, nuggets, sweet biscuits, pastries, buns, cakes and chips. These food items contain a lot of sugar, salt and unhealthy fats.

Increases the risk of these diseases

Ultra processed food increases the risk of heart disease. It increases the risk of heart disease by 50 percent. At the same time, the risk of diseases like stress and anxiety increases by 48-53 percent. Increases the risk of type-2 diabetes by 12 percent. As much as possible a person should not eat ultra processed food. Many doctors also believe that we cannot say that we can completely avoid it, but the effort should be to eat as little as possible. The more balanced you eat, the better your health will be.

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