Is it true that rubbing banana peels on your face is good for the skin know about facts

Is it true that rubbing banana peels on your face is good for the skin know about facts

These days, most women and men use Botox, facial uplifting or injections to reduce their aging. But if those whose budget is not that much, they can control their aging through home methods also. Most people throw banana peels in the garbage without thinking. But do you know that banana peels contain nutrients and phytonutrients which are very beneficial for the skin and can cure many skin related problems?

Yes, you heard it right. Let us know how beneficial banana peel is for the skin. There are many products in the market that promise that applying these creams is beneficial for the skin. But it contains a lot of chemicals. On the other hand, if you apply natural things, it benefits your face a lot. Banana peel is very beneficial for you.

Apply like this

Take the banana peel and cut it into two parts. Now wash your face, clean it and dry it. Rub the inner part of the banana peel on your skin while massaging it in circular motion. Do this until the peel turns black from inside. Now take another peel and rub it also. After this, leave the face like this and wait for 20 to 25 minutes. Finally wash your face with cold water. Now apply moisturizer on the face. This can be done every alternate day.

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Apart from blemishes, it also works on wrinkles.

By applying banana peel for some time, the spots and blemishes on your face start reducing. It takes time but if you continue this process you will definitely see a difference. Apart from this, it also works well on wrinkles. This keeps the skin hydrated and becomes soft. The most important thing is that it has no side effects.

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Helps in removing warts

Other skin benefits include removing warts with banana peel. If you want to remove a wart from any part of your body, then tie a banana peel from the inside and wrap a cloth on top. Leave it like this for the whole night. By doing this continuously for some time, the wart will be removed but you will have to do this for several days.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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