Is the rule very strict? Elephants are also punished for making mistakes, they are called by name, know everything from the researcher

Is the rule very strict? Elephants are also punished for making mistakes, they are called by name, know everything from the researcher

Hazaribagh. Be it a human or an animal, social rules apply to everyone’s life. But when it comes to the elephant, it is not far from it. If elephants commit a mistake, they are also ordered to be expelled from the herd. For the last one week, a male elephant has been creating havoc in Hazaribagh’s Daru block. This elephant is sometimes seen in Ichak block, sometimes in Daru block and sometimes in some other area. Actually, this is not a stray elephant but an elephant expelled from the group. Murari Singh, who does research on wild animals, also says that an adult elephant never gets separated from the group. The elephant that is creating havoc in some areas of Hazaribagh right now is an adult male elephant and it also has two big teeth.

Elephants also have to follow group rules
Researcher Murari Singh further explains that many researches have been done on the lifestyle of elephants across the world. But some things are common in the results of all. According to the research, the group of elephants is the most developed group which calls each other by name like humans. When any elephant of the group does not follow the rules, the leader of the group ostracizes him. Any elephant group is led by a female elephant. And to protect the group, the commander is a male elephant. The commander male elephant mates with all the female elephants of the group. Often new young elephants in the group break the rules and try to mate with the female elephant. In such a situation, they are punished for breaking the rules. They are ostracized from the group.

That is why the elephant becomes rebellious
Actually, there is a gland between the head and ear of the elephant. When the elephant is busy, a liquid leaks from the gland. During this time, the elephant becomes irritable. It becomes rebellious. It does not follow the rules of the group. In such a situation, the ostracized elephant becomes even more irritable and reaches human areas.

In Hazaribagh also, the outcast elephant is creating havoc
AK Parmar, ACIF of Western Forest Division of Forest Department, says that the elephant which is creating havoc in Hazaribagh is an outcasted elephant. When an animal or a human is outcasted from the society, it becomes irritable and deadly. The same situation has happened with this elephant. He has appealed to the villagers to keep a distance from the elephant. If it is entering the village, burn red chillies so that it goes away. Try to stay inside the house and inform the forest department about it. He has also said that this elephant is proving to be very dangerous, so caution is the only protection.

Tags: Amazing news, Hazaribagh news, Jharkhand news, Latest Hindi News, Local18

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