Is your heel pain in the heel too? Symptoms of this serious illness can occur

Is your heel pain in the heel too? Symptoms of this serious illness can occur

Heel pain can be caused by many serious diseases. In which the disease of planter focustisis, Achilis tendinitis and saver is the most common. But serious conditions like bursitis, arthritis and stress fractures can also cause heel pain. Today we will explain in detail that there can be many reasons for heel pain. & Nbsp;

Planter Factiitis: Planter swelling, a thick strip of tissue that moves in the lower part of the foot.

Achilis tendinitis: swelling of Achilles tendon. Which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.

& nbsp; Saver disease : A condition affecting children and adolescents, which causes heel bone pain during development.

& nbsp; heel bursitis: swelling of the bursa, a liquid -filled bag that supports the heel.

& nbsp; Haglund disease: A condition in which the heel area causes pain due to the tightening of the back-upper surface of the calcaneus.

Diabetes is a serious disease related to lifestyle, if it is not controlled in time, then you will be under control, then your body will become a home of diseases and you will not even know. If you want to keep this disease under control, do not take your lifestyle, diet, good sleep, stress, do exercise daily. Physical activity is very important for diabetes patients.

If you feel pain in your shoulders often feel pain, heaviness and stiffness, then you must get blood test done once. This condition is known as Frozen Solder. This is often caused by increasing sugar level in the body.

Many times it happens that due to diabetes and hands and feet are numb. Not only this, tingling also starts in the hands and feet. If your blood sugar level is high, then there will be a lot of severe pain in the feet.

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Light pain in the head for a long time is also a symptom of increasing blood sugar level. This pain can remain continuously for several hours or days and then suddenly heals.

Suddenly you start looking blurred, that is, if you stop looking clear, then it can also be the reason for blood sugar.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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