Israel Hezbollah War Lebanon Attack Who is most powerful Know about weapons details | Israel-Hezbollah War: The whole of Israel will be shaken by one attack by Hezbollah! From Fajr to Fatah…Know

Israel Hezbollah War Lebanon Attack Who is most powerful Know about weapons details | Israel-Hezbollah War: The whole of Israel will be shaken by one attack by Hezbollah! From Fajr to Fatah…Know

Israel Hezbollah War: Amid the tension between Israel and Hezbollah, Hezbollah fired more than 350 missiles on Israel on Sunday (August 25, 2024) morning, raising the threat of war again in the Middle East. Hezbollah is a Shia Muslim organization, which is politically influential. It controls the most powerful armed force in Lebanon. It is said that Hezbollah has the support of Iran. This organization was founded by Iran in the 1980s to oppose Israel. Israel withdrew from Lebanon in the 2000s, after which Hezbollah got the credit for driving Israel out. Since then Hezbollah has stockpiled thousands of fighters and missiles in southern Lebanon. At the same time, Western countries, Israel, Gulf, Arab countries and the Arab League have declared it a terrorist organization. At present, Hezbollah is the most armed organization in the world, it gets equipment from Iran.

Lebanon’s leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah claimed that he has 100,000 fighters. Some reports put the number between 20,000 and 50,000. According to the think tank, Hezbollah has 120,000-200,000 rockets and missiles. Most of these are small weapons, which have the capability to attack surface to surface. Although Israel has a much better army than Hezbollah, the Iran-backed group has missiles with a range of up to 500 km. To damage them, Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system will have to be bypassed.

Hezbollah has so many missiles

Hezbollah is the most heavily armed organization in the world, with many of its weapons being more destructive than Hamas. Hezbollah has 120,000-200,000 rockets and missiles. Hezbollah has increased the number of rockets and missiles since the last conflict with Israel in 2006. Hezbollah also has an unmanned aircraft system.

The Israeli army vastly outnumbers Hezbollah

Military analysts estimate that Hezbollah has 30,000-50,000 soldiers, but earlier this year its leader Hassan Nasrallah claimed that his group has more than 100,000 fighters and reserve soldiers. 30,000 soldiers are active, 20,000 soldiers have been kept in reserve. On the other hand, Israel has 169,500-634,500 soldiers. These include 126,000, 34,000 Air Force, 9,500 Navy, 465,000 in reserve. Hezbollah may have advanced weapons, but it has not been able to weaken Israel’s missile defense system Iron Dome.

Israel’s Iron Dome defense system

The mobile air defense system is made up of 10 batteries, each with three to four missile launchers, with each missile costing an estimated $40,000 to $50,000. It shoots down rockets, mortars and drones. Israel claims a success rate of over 90%. It has destroyed thousands of air weapons coming from Iran, Gaza and Lebanon in recent months.

How powerful is Israel?

According to the Global Fire Power Index, the Israeli army is one of the 20 most powerful armies in the world. The Israeli army has 1,69,500 active soldiers, while 4,65,000 soldiers are in the reserve unit. Talking about the total number of Israeli soldiers, the country has 634,500 soldiers. Israel has a dozen nuclear weapons, 241 fighter jets, 48 ​​combat helicopters and 2,200 tanks. At the same time, there are 1200 artillery pieces and at least 7 warships and 6 submarines. Apart from all this, Israel also has the world’s second most powerful intelligence agency Mossad, which is known for its network all over the world. Hezbollah has missiles that can attack up to 500 kilometers, but Israel has much better military power than this. Hezbollah’s missile has to cross the Iron Dome air defense system to cause damage in Israel. Israel attacks Hezbollah without any hindrance.

Read this also: Hezbollah enraged by Israel’s strike fired 150 rockets in retaliation! Watch the video to see how the bombardment happened

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