It rained for the first time on earth at this time, not water but this thing fell from the sky

Rain is very important in any country. The population of every country depends on rain for drinking water, so do you know when it rained for the first time in the world and what fell on the earth instead of water drops at that time? Today in this story we will know about this 420 crore year old history of the earth.

When did it rain for the first time on earth?

Most of the theories of solar scientists state that 4.6 billion years ago our solar system was surrounded by dense clouds of gas and dust. At that time there used to be a star very far away in which one day a huge explosion suddenly took place. Due to the shock wave of this supernova explosion, the clouds started rotating rapidly, which was named Solar Nebula. The gas and dust particles in the cloud came very close. The speed of their rotation kept increasing. Due to this, the dust and gas particles started gathering at a center point and the gravitational force increased considerably.

At that time, the pressure increased so much that hydrogen atoms started combining with each other to form helium. This started releasing a huge amount of energy and from this fire of energy, a burning giant ball i.e. the Sun was born. Then when the Sun was formed, 99 percent of the matter present in the cloud was destroyed. However, even after this, the remaining gas and dust continued to rotate and this started the process of formation of planets like Earth and Mercury. Due to this gravitational force, all the planets started revolving around the Sun, which is now known as the Solar System.

When the first drop of rain fell on the earth

Till that time, not a single drop of rain had fallen on the earth. At that time, meteorites were raining on the earth on one hand and on the other hand, volcanoes were erupting continuously. These released gases like hydrogen sulphide, methane and carbon dioxide. Till this time, water on our earth was present only in the form of methane gas.

This was the time when the earth was gradually cooling down. Due to this, the gas and water present in the mantle surface below the earth’s surface were coming out and turning into steam which was spreading all around and creating an atmosphere of dense clouds. At the same time, one day a drop of rain fell on the earth. This was not ordinary rain but acid rain. After this, this series of rain continued on the earth for 20 lakh years. Which stopped after millions of years. Due to this rain, life flourished on earth and oceans were formed.

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