Journey of Taste: Cantaloupe keeps the digestive system healthy, also increases immunity, history is interesting

Journey of Taste: Cantaloupe keeps the digestive system healthy, also increases immunity, history is interesting


Cantaloupe increases the red cells of the blood.
Cantaloupe helps in maintaining normal blood pressure.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Nowadays there is a season of melons in the country. This is such a rising season of summer that the fruits produced are especially juicy. One of these includes muskmelon filled with aromatic fragrance and sweet juice. Its consumption keeps the body’s cooling system perfect, so eating it also keeps the digestive system healthy. This juicy fruit also has the specialty of increasing the immunity of the body. The history of melon is convoluted and there are ifs and buts in it. But it is confirmed that about 2000 years ago, it had deposited its colors on the earth.

Children-old-young-women everyone likes melon

In this season of May-June, the way melon used to come out and it was seen available everywhere, the same issue is not visible this time. The reason for this is that the weather of North India was not favorable for fruits this time. Summer came late, heat and heat wave came, then it rained in the middle and now the heat has increased, so the fruits which were supposed to ripen, have already ripened, but due to the disturbance of the weather, they are full of their wonderful taste, aroma and juice. Could not fill the type. This time melon is also included in these. This time ‘whole’ melons are rarely seen in the markets. Despite this, there is no alternative to cantaloupe.

Children-old-young-women, everyone likes this fruit. Bring home, cut and eat your fill. The mind also felt satisfied and the stomach also felt full. Many dishes are also made of melon, in which raw melon works as a puree of sauce and soup, then smoothies, milkshakes and lassi can also be made from ripe juicy melon. In different countries, it is included in the diet in different ways, because its pulp filled with sweet juice attracts everyone.

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Africa or South West Asia and its relation to India?

Just like the shape of melon is round-smooth and rough, in the same way its history is also confused. There are many claims and counter-claims about its place of origin, but it is confirmed that it has been a part of human diet for two thousand years. In fact, well-known botanists and diet historians Sushma Naithani, Ranjit Singh, SK Saxena have not mentioned melon anywhere in their research on fruits and vegetables. Even in the ancient Ayurvedic texts of India, there is no authentic information about it. By the way, melon is mentioned in the religious book Skanda Purana and it has been said that in the month of Vaishakh (April-May), apart from fan, melon, other fruits, cereals, water bowls, Skanda Purana should also be recited. According to food historians, melon originated in the hot valleys of Africa or South West Asia, especially in Iran and India.

They also say that melons were grown in the Egyptian civilization before BC. Nowadays melons are grown in almost all tropical and sub-tropical regions. By the way, India’s senior horticulturist Dr. Dilip Kumar Samadiya, who has done special research on melon, believes that melon is originally a plant of North-West India, but its initial place of origin is from Central Africa to Central Asia, especially the hot valley of Iran. area has been. From India this fruit went to China, Europe, Japan and Turkey, while it was brought to the New World by Columbus. According to him, at present muskmelon is an important crop of many countries including America, China, Europe, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and India.

Water, fiber juice made it special

In terms of taste and nutrition, cantaloupe is wonderful and alive. Its biggest feature is that it keeps the body cool in summer and heatwave weather. It also keeps the digestive system smooth. According to food expert and home chef Simmi Babbar, minerals and vitamins are found in abundance in melon, hence it is considered very beneficial for the body. It contains proper amount of water and fiber, due to which it is very effective in indigestion, constipation and other digestive problems. One of its specialties is that it helps in maintaining normal blood pressure.

muskmelon benefits

Melon is rich in folic acid which increases the red cells of the blood. Image-Canva

Actually it contains potassium which prevents the bad effects of sodium and also relaxes the blood vessels. Due to this BP remains normal. Vitamin A is also found in it, which is considered beneficial for hair. Its use is also beneficial for the skin. The reason for this is that melon is rich in folic acid, which increases the red cells of the blood, thus keeping the skin healthy.

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Low in sugar and calories, does not allow weight gain

Melon pulp and seeds are useful for eating, if a paste is made from its peels and applied on the skin, it also provides relief from eczema. In ancient times, people used to rub its peel on the burn marks and wrinkles, which gave benefits. Apart from the body, its tension also keeps the mind cool, hence it gives relief from stress. Cantaloupe has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. It is also effective in preventing inflammation. You will be surprised that cantaloupe can also reduce weight. In fact, after eating this, the stomach feels full, so one does not feel like eating anything else. Since sugar and calories are less in it, weight does not increase. After eating melon, just keep in mind that you do not have to drink water. If this happens, there is a possibility of cholera.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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