Journey of taste: Curd is connected from ‘Leelas’ of Shri Krishna to Panchamrit, know interesting things related to it


The religious importance of curd is also considered beneficial for health.
Curd, which helps in improving digestion, also strengthens bones.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Indian food and life is incomplete without curd. This is a diet that is eaten all over the country. Eat it straight, make lassi, add it to food to make it tasty and gravy, or enjoy it with raita, it spreads its goodness everywhere. Be it vegetarian or non-vegetarian, curd gives pleasure to everyone. It has amazing features. It not only keeps the digestive system hit-fit, it also helps in strengthening the bones. Indian society-religion and culture have a deep association with curd. Thousands of years ago, curd spread many colors in the pastimes of Lord Krishna, so curd is also an element in the Panchamrit offered to the deities. The special thing is that when it comes to curd, dieticians ignore these facts and call it a foreign diet, whereas curd is glorified even in Ayurvedic texts taken thousands of years ago.

Special for diet and others

If you are leaving the house for some good work, going for an exam or a job interview, then the people of the house will see you off by feeding you sweet curd. In India, especially in the rural areas, there is a tradition of feeding curd-chooda to the guests for years. In olden times, this diet used to be special in marriage-religious events. Drinking curd lassi or buttermilk in the morning and eating curd with lunch is part of the Indian food tradition for thousands of years. What to say if you have raita for food.

If we talk about food, curd plays a special role in preparing non-vegetarian food. It makes the meat smooth so that it is easily digested in the stomach. Its effect is different. It is normal if eaten during the day, if eaten in the evening, then the effect will be cold. Overall, curd has special significance for the Indian diet.

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Krishna’s childhood pastimes, panchamrit and curd

Research has found that when it comes to the history of curd, India is ignored. It is claimed that this is an exotic diet. Will talk on that later. There is no doubt that Lord Krishna incarnated in India in the Copper Age. In many mythological texts including Mahabharata, there is a description of the personality and works of Shri Krishna. Krishna-lovers and historians can suggest different dates or years for the birth of Shri Krishna, but it is confirmed that he was born about five thousand years ago. At that time there was a lot of trend of milk and its products. There is a wonderful description of milk-curd-butter in Krishna’s childhood pastimes. The fact is that curd was prevalent since then as a diet. If we talk about earlier, there has been a tradition of offering Panchamrit (mixture of milk-curd-honey-ghee-sugar etc.) to the deities (Sun and later Vishnu etc.) in the Vedas, which continues even today. This Panchamrit is now dedicated to many deities.

Curd has been described as special in ‘Charaksamhita’

On the other hand, BBC and Food Historian say that curd is the gift of Eastern European country Bulgaria. The Bulgarians claim (no proof) that about four thousand years ago, nomadic tribes discovered the method of making curd. For this he used the skin of animals. According to BBC, by adopting almost the same method, the process of making curd started in other parts of the world as well. On the other hand, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, curd, which was once called the food of the gods in India, has been associated with many folklores. Well the fact is clear that curd has been a staple in Indian, Arabic, Turkish and Russian cuisines for centuries.

Curd is glorified in the ancient Ayurvedic texts of India. In the book ‘Charaksamhita’ written in the 7th-8th century BC, it has been addressed as Dadhi and it has been said that it enhances taste, astringency and virility. Not only is it auspicious, but it also produces coolness in typhoid fever and also prevents weakness. It is very beneficial in blood bile and constipation. According to the scripture, fully frozen curd is carminative, its cream is semen enhancer and its water is anti-cough-vata. Completely frozen curd has been called ‘Mandak’ in the book and the possibility of Vata-Pitta-Kapha dosha has been told on eating it.

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That’s why it prevents obesity

Curd is considered very beneficial for the body. According to modern science, calories 98, protein 11 grams, carbohydrate 3.4 grams, fat 4.3 grams, cholesterol 17 mg, sodium 364 mg, potassium 104 mg and other elements are found in 100 grams of curd. According to well-known food expert and nutritionist Nilanjana Singh, if you want to keep the body fit, then include curd in the food. There is nothing like curd to keep the digestive system healthy. It can maintain the balance of acid levels in the body. The amount of calcium in curd is high. It helps fight cortisol (a hormone that increases blood sugar). Imbalance of this hormone is responsible for blood sugar and weight loss in the body.


Regular consumption of curd is helpful in preventing diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis. Image-Canva

Calcium prevents this hormone from being produced in excess and thus prevents weight gain. Adequate amounts of calcium and phosphorus are also found in curd. Both these elements help in strengthening the bones. Regular consumption of curd helps in preventing problems like arthritis and osteoporosis.

Satisfies the mind as well as the body

According to Singh, the consumption of curd reduces the level of cholesterol, due to which the heart will remain healthy. It also keeps the arteries clean, due to which the blood flow will be smooth and the heart healthy. Curd contains many microscopic bacteria which are beneficial for the body. It boosts the body’s immune system, which keeps it healthy. Consumption of curd is considered beneficial for sleep. Due to this, sufficient energy circulates in the body. Surprisingly curd also gives mental satisfaction. Normal dose of curd is a panacea, but if used too much, especially during winter or rainy days, it can cause joint pain. Avoid eating it with sour fruits. Doing this can cause acidity.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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