Journey of taste: Dry fruit Baheda is rich in ‘juice of virtues’, Ayurveda also considered it a special herb, learn interesting things

Journey of taste: Dry fruit Baheda is rich in ‘juice of virtues’, Ayurveda also considered it a special herb, learn interesting things


Information about Baheda has been given in every ancient and new Ayurvedic book of India, it is considered very beneficial.
There is a special description of Baheda in about 5000 thousand years old Ayurveda-Shastra of India.
Baheda fruit is mostly used for Ayurvedic medicines.

Bahera Benefits and Its History: The prevalence of Ayurveda and its related treatments and medicines is increasing in India and even in the world. In this episode, the trend of Triphala Churna has increased a lot. This powder keeps the stomach fit and apart from making the body healthy, it also provides strength. A fruit named Baheda is also used to make this powder. There are other benefits of this fruit (herb) as well. The benefits and harms of Baheda have been described in detail in the ancient Ayurvedic texts of India. Baheda fruit is also beneficial in many diseases.

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Baheda tree is considered sacred

Bahera is a very small dry fruit, but it is full of ‘juice of virtues’. There is a special description of this fruit in about 5000 thousand years old Ayurveda-Shastra of India. It is used to make special chemicals. In India, apart from Baheda, even its tree is considered sacred. Its tree is not cut because of the belief that Shani Dev resides in the tree. In the ancient medical practice of Tibet, Baheda has been called the ‘King of Medicine’, and in Buddhism also it is considered special. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that a large population of the world is dependent on traditional medicine based on plants, herbs for primary health care. Scientists believe that Baheda is also important in this health care. In India, there is so much faith in Triphala Churna associated with Baheda that not only common people consume it, now even the youth have started adopting Triphala to keep themselves fit. It has also been said about Triphala that ‘Eat Harad-Baheda-Amla with ghee-sugar, tie an elephant in the armpit (armpit) and go for a hundred miles.’

Bahera is a very small dry fruit, but it is full of ‘juice of virtues’.

Praise of Baheda in every ancient and new Ayurvedic book

Information about Baheda has definitely been given in every ancient and new Ayurvedic book of India and it has been considered very beneficial. Apart from India, this fruit grew thousands of years ago in Indonesia and later it spread in the tropical areas of Asia as well. In the ancient book ‘Charaksamhita’, the method of making Triphala has been explained. In this, comprehensive information about Baheda has been given. In the book it has been called ‘Vibhitakam’ and it has been told that this fruit destroys the defects in blood, body and fat. Renowned for extensive research on Indian herbs, fruits and vegetables Ayurveda Specialist Acharya Balkishan According to, Baheda (Terminalia Bellerica) removes all the three doshas, ​​Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but its main use is in Kapha-dominated disorders. It is beneficial for the eyes and nutritious for the hair. Baheda oil is also beneficial for wounds caused by fire. Not only this, Baheda is beneficial in untimely graying of hair, hoarseness, nose related diseases, blood disorders, heart diseases. Baheda is a medicine to kill insects. Its bark is beneficial in anemia, jaundice and white leprosy. Its seeds are bitter, destroyer of excessive thirst, vomiting and asthma.

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Baheda (Terminalia Bellerica) removes all the three doshas, ​​Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

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Beheda removes depression, improves urine system

This fruit is very beneficial for the body. Former Dean of Mumbai University and Vaidyaraj Dinanath Upadhyay According to, extracts of Baheda have antidepressant properties. It is beneficial in urinary problems, due to which kidney function remains normal. If the paste of Baheda is ground and applied on the wound, it will heal it quickly. Baheda also has anti-sugar properties and does not allow obesity to grow. It keeps throat diseases away. It is also effective in keeping the lungs healthy.

It has also been found in the study that Baheda slows down the process of formation of blood clots. It is so beneficial that apart from Ayurveda, it is also used in traditional medicines of Unani and China. Baheda is a fruit, but not commonly eaten like mango fruits. It is mostly used for Ayurvedic medicines only, so it does not have any side effects.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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