Journey of taste: Sesame oil is very beneficial in arthritis pain, keeps the mind cool, history is interesting

Journey of taste: Sesame oil is very beneficial in arthritis pain, keeps the mind cool, history is interesting


The use of sesame oil also helps in controlling blood pressure.
Consumption of sesame oil is beneficial in the pain caused by arthritis.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Oil is an essential element in Indian food. If we talk about general vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, oil is used in all. The special thing is that many types of oils are used for food in the country. Among these, sesame oil is also an option. This oil is considered very beneficial for the body. One of its great features is that its use provides immense relief in arthritis. The properties of keeping the mind cool have also been found in this oil. Sesame oil massage is considered best for the body. This oil is being used for thousands of years. Due to its special properties, the usefulness of sesame oil is increasing continuously.

Apart from oil, other uses of sesame also

Talking about Indian oils, food experts recommend the use of sesame oil after mustard oil. It has a different type of smell, which is different from other oils. This oil is extracted from seeds called sesame, whose taste is close to walnut. This smell and taste has been motivating for years to use sesame seeds as food. Sesame ladoo has its own taste, so by crushing sesame seeds, its halwa becomes very tasty. Apart from this, sesame is also used in many types of sweets.

Sesame oil has been considered very effective and beneficial for the body. Image-Canva

If you want to make any veg or non-veg dish extremely rich or thick, then adding sesame paste to it enhances its taste. This paste is widely used in non-veg Mughlai dishes. All over the world, three colored moles are produced, these include white, yellow and brown/black. But mostly only white sesame is used. This sesame oil has been considered very effective and beneficial for the body.

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Sesame oil was praised in many ancient civilizations

The history of sesame oil is very old. It has been described in the ancient civilizations of India and many other countries. The Indus Valley Civilization of India (about 2500 BC) describes the use of sesame oil. According to a research by the American Botanical Council, sesame cultivation is described in ancient Egypt, Greece and Babylonian civilization. It has also been informed in the report that archaeologists have also discovered tools for extracting sesame seeds and their oil near Yerevan (900-600 BC) in Armenia. In ancient Chinese civilization, sesame is considered a symbol of immortality.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, sesame and its oil probably originated in Asia or East Africa. According to the dictionary, since ancient times, sesame seeds have been used extensively in the cuisine of the Middle East and Asia. In Europe and North America, the seeds are used to flavor various foods, especially breads and baked goods.

‘Charak Samhita’ has told that it is the destroyer of all diseases.

Sesame oil is also described in ‘Aharayogivarga’ of ‘Charaksamhita’, the ancient Ayurvedic text of India written about three thousand years ago. According to the book, this oil is sweet and enters the subtle sources of the body as well. It does not increase Kapha. It is the best among the carminative substances, vigorous, beneficial for the skin and increases intelligence and fire. The scripture also says that this oil is considered to be the destroyer of all diseases. Indian Herbs. According to well-known Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on fruits and vegetables, sesame oil is sweet, choleretic, carminative, subtle, hot, astringent, dietary and pungent.

sesame oil

Sesame oil helps in reducing inflammation of joints and strengthens bones. Image-Canva

Vaidyaraj Dinanath Upadhyay, former dean of Mumbai University, says that there is an abundance of vitamins and minerals in sesame oil. It is particularly known for its zinc and copper content, which help with red blood cell production, circulation and metabolism. These elements are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, as a result of which this oil helps in reducing arthritis pain, swelling of joints and strengthening bones. Body massage with sesame oil is considered best.

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Sesame oil keeps the brain cool

They also say that sesame oil contains an amino acid called tyrosine (an element that helps nerve cells communicate and affect mood), which keeps the mind cool and reduces depression and stress. Its use creates positive energy in the mind. Sesame oil has also been considered a good source of magnesium and other nutrients. All these elements are helpful in reducing the level of glucose in the blood, which reduces the risk of diabetes. The iron present in this oil also keeps the body away from the problem of anemia. Regular massage of hair and head with sesame oil can prevent hair from turning white. It also has properties to control blood pressure. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are also found in this oil, which maintains the glow of the skin, as well as keeps it healthy. It also provides nourishment to the eyes. In general, there is no side effect of consuming sesame oil. But it can lead to weight gain if used in excess. Some people may also complain of allergies.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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