Karnataka Muslim Reservation Ruckus Know which State Gives Highest Quota to Muslims

Karnataka Muslim Reservation Ruckus Know which State Gives Highest Quota to Muslims

Muslim reservation in karnataka: There is a ruckus in government contracts in Karnataka over 4 percent Muslim reservation. This matter has now reached Parliament. In the Rajya Sabha, there was a fierce dispute between the ruling and the opposition regarding Muslim reservation. The Bharatiya Janata Party has described this move of the Karnataka government as anti -constitution, while the opposition has come out in support of it. In such a situation, what is the situation of Muslim reservation in the country? In which state Muslims have been given the highest reservation? What does the Constitution say in this matter? Let’s know the answers to all these questions …

What is the system about reservation in the Constitution?

This is not the first time that there has been a earthquake in the politics of the country regarding Muslim reservation. Even before this, there has been an uproar on this issue many times. However, the Indian Constitution talks about equality. There is no provision of reservation on the basis of religion in the Constitution. According to the constitution, if a class is backward, then reservation can be given to bring it into the mainstream. Right now the reservation being given to Muslims is available through the quota system within the reservation fixed for OBC. The castes of Muslims which are included in SC, ST or OBC, are provided separate reservation through quota system inside the quota.

How much reservation for Muslims in which state

Kerala has the highest number of reservation for Muslims in the country. Here OBC is given 30 percent reservation. Muslim quota is also determined inside this quota. Here Muslims get 8% reservation in jobs and 10% in higher education. Similarly, in Tamil Nadu, Muslims of backward class get 3.5% reservation. However, 95 percent of Muslims here are involved in this quota. In Bihar, people of Muslim community are given reservation by classifying backward and backward. Similarly, 4 percent reservation is given to Muslims in OBC category in Telangana. According to reports, in addition to these states, reservation is given to Muslims in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Assam.

How much reservation is available in Karnataka

Karnataka has 32 percent OBC quota. Its category 2A includes all castes of Muslims, which are given 4% reservation. Now in government contracts, a bill has been passed for 4 percent reservation for Muslims.

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