Kidnapped at the age of 6, niece found him 73 years later, only then the lost man could meet his elder brother

Kidnapped at the age of 6, niece found him 73 years later, only then the lost man could meet his elder brother

The pain in the life of the family of the missing is very deep. It is very rare that a child who is lost in childhood is found in a few days or a year or two. In most cases, the family keeps waiting for the member and the missing person is never found. But in a unique case, a six-year-old boy has been found after 73 years,

Puerto Rican-born Luis Armando Albino is now 79. He was one of five siblings. He was kidnapped on February 21, 1951, and has been missing ever since, leaving his family in grief. Luis was abducted from a park in West Oakland, California, while he was playing with his ten-year-old brother, Roger.

The woman who kidnapped him lured Luis away. Later, he was adopted by a New York couple. Police, Coast Guard, and Army personnel scoured the area for him, with the FBI called in to help. Unfortunately, his kidnapping case remained unsolved for seven decades.

Lewis was found by his niece Alida, who had moved from the west coast to the east coast of the US. (Photo Credit: Alida Alequin)

Despite her son being missing for so long, Luis’ mother never gave up hope that he would return home. She died in 2005 without ever knowing the whereabouts of her beloved son. But Luis’ niece, 63-year-old Alida Arlequin, was determined to find her long-lost uncle.

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Aleida enlisted the help of local law enforcement. They used information from DNA testing and old newspaper clippings about Luis’ disappearance. Aleida, along with her daughters, later found a microfilm of photographs of Luis at the Oakland Public Library, which helped them realize that he was in fact their long-lost uncle. Luis, who had become a father and grandfather himself, was able to reunite with his older brother Roger. But the reunion was short lived as Roger was dying of cancer at the time. According to the FBI, the kidnapping is still under investigation.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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