Kim Jong Un also has a son? Sensational claim of South Korean spy, told why it does not come forward

Kim Jong Un also has a son?  Sensational claim of South Korean spy, told why it does not come forward

The life of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is quite mysterious. Time and again such news comes about him which is shocking. By now you must have heard that he has only one daughter, whose name is Kim Ju Ae. She is just 10 years old. He is being said to be the next heir to the throne of North Korea. Meanwhile, a sensational news has come to light. It is being claimed that Kim Jong Un also has a son, whom the dictator does not bring forward because he is not fat.

According to the report of Daily Star, this claim has been made by Choe Su-yong, a retired officer of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS). He told Korea Times that unlike his father and sister, Kim’s son is very thin. He looks pale and looks very weak. I heard that his son looks nothing like his great grandfather Kim Il-sung. That’s why Kim Jong Un never makes it public. They feel ashamed.

daughter looks very healthy
In North Korea, it is considered important for leaders to look like the country’s founder Kim Il Sung. Kim Jong Un himself wants to look like him. For this they keep changing their lifestyle again and again. Kim Jong Un’s daughter looks very healthy. Many of her pictures have come out, in which she is seen roaming with her father. But the picture of his son has not been revealed yet. Experts believe that the younger Kim Jong Un would look thin.

Aunty said, make a body
Michael Madden, founder of North Korea Leadership Watch, says that when Kim Jong-un’s journey started, he was really thin. Then his father and his aunt told him that he needed to gain weight so that he could assert his authority. So that when North Korean boys see them, they feel scared. After this there was a tremendous change in him. When we look at Kim Jong-un, when we look at his father, we see his grandfather, right? Pink chubby cheeks, smile on face. He looks like his grandfather.

Tags: Bizarre news, Kim Jong Un, North Korea, OMG News

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