Kitchen Garden Curry leaves Cultivation at home know easy way

Kitchen Garden Curry leaves Cultivation at home know easy way

Curry leaves are the leaves that enhance the taste and aroma of Indian food. It is known for adding tadka. In such a situation, if you also want to taste fresh curry leaves in your home food, then you can easily grow it at home and can add curry leaves whenever you want.

Many times it is seen that the curry leaves plant planted in the house is not growing properly. If this is happening, there is no need to worry. For this an easy task will have to be done. For this, just a few things need to be kept in mind.

Prepare soil like this
Sandy-loamy soil is considered most important for curry leaves. This soil can be prepared at home itself. For this, mix cow dung manure, soil and sand in equal quantity and grind it well. So that it will have good drainage facilities.

You can start with a pot of 8-10 inches
The size of the pot should have enough space for the roots of the plant. Initially you can start work with 8-10 inch pot. As the plant grows, plant it in a bigger pot. The pot should have holes for drainage.

Plant a plant like this
Curry leaves plant can be planted from seeds or cuttings. It takes more time to plant from seeds, so it is easier to plant curry leaves from cuttings. Take 4-5 inch long cuttings from a healthy curry leaf plant, remove half of the leaves of the cutting and soak the roots in water for 1-2 hours. After this, plant the cutting in the prepared soil and water it lightly.

water and sunlight
Do not give excessive water to the curry leaf plant. Water only when the soil dries. A little more watering will be required in summer, but keep in mind that the soil should not be waterlogged. Curry leaf plant needs sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. Keep the lotus of curry leaf plant in a place where it can get full sunlight.

Give manure and fertilizer to curry leaves
Curry leaf plant needs manure and fertilizer regularly. Cow dung manure, neem cake or organic fertilizer should be used. NPK fertilizer should be used once in 2-3 months.

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