Knife entered in the neck, yet the duck kept on living a happy life! ‘Chakravyuh’ made to get rid of

Knife entered in the neck, yet the duck kept on living a happy life!  ‘Chakravyuh’ made to get rid of

When a person is in a difficult situation, he takes wrong steps out of fear of it or gets so scared that he succumbs to the circumstances. However, on such occasions, instead of panicking, we should act even more bravely. A French duck (France duck stabbed) also gives a big lesson to live life, who probably does not know that she is going to die, but lives a happy life even in the midst of pain. People are shocked to see him. Such a sight turns his mind.

According to the report of the Audity Central News website, there is a wild duck in Brittany, France, which looks similar to other ducks, but a knife stuck in duck neck makes it different from others. You will say what is the relation between knife and duck! Actually, a knife is inserted in the duck’s neck. Due to which her life can also be lost, it is possible that she must be in a lot of pain, but in spite of that she leads a normal life. She is seen moving here and there, as if nothing had happened to her!

Despite being stabbed, she was living a normal life
The people there know the duck by the name of ‘Donald the Duck’. A knife with a red handle is inserted on the left side of his neck. The duck has now become a center of attraction for the people of Saint-Nolf in northwestern France. People get more shocked to see that despite the knife being inserted, that duck swims in the water with other ducks, eats food, walks and lives a completely normal life. However, people who save animals say that she will not be able to survive with the knife for a long time, she will get an infection which can kill her. Because of this he thought of taking out the knife.

knife pulled from the neck
Animal rescue organization Pinocchio et Sauvageons plans to remove the knife from the duck’s neck. Since the duck was absolutely healthy, it was getting difficult to catch it. Attempts were made to catch her again and again, but she would get out of hand again and again. Because of this, a plan had to be prepared like making a Chakravyuh for that one duck. People made a lot of plans to catch him and on March 31 surrounded and caught him. After sedating him, the knife was taken out, then he was operated upon and kept under observation for a few days. The surgery was successful and one day Donald flew away on his own after finding the cage open. People guessed that someone must have deliberately stabbed the duck in the neck, but he was lucky that the knife did not harm the delicate parts of his body. Now the search is on for the attacker.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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