Know About Afternoon Nap Whether It Is Healthy Or Not A Nap Help In Relaxation Upliftment Of Mood Reduced Fatigue, Anxiety, And Stress

Know About Afternoon Nap Whether It Is Healthy Or Not A Nap Help In Relaxation Upliftment Of Mood Reduced Fatigue, Anxiety, And Stress

Afternoon Nap: Some people do not sleep well at night, for which they compensate by sleeping for a few minutes during the day. In a way, a light nap taken during the day helps to make up for the lost sleep at night and the person feels energetic and refreshed. But, do experts recommend napping during the day? Know today whether taking a nap during the day is beneficial for health or not?

napping is beneficial

According to many studies, a nap taken in the afternoon is beneficial for our brain. But, duration matters in this. A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society suggested that naps of 30 to 90 minutes provide brain benefits in older adults. But, sleeping for more than 1 hour can also cause problems. For some people, taking a nap in the afternoon acts like a reset button, so that they feel refreshed and ready again for the whole day. Even though napping prevents a person from getting deep sleep, but it provides relief from daytime sleepiness and increases alertness. Dr. Vipul Gupta, Chief Neurointerventional Surgery and Co-Chief at Artemis Hospital, told that people who do not nap during the day sleep longer and wake up from deep sleep. Dr Gauri Kulkarni, Head of Medical Operations, MediBuddy, agreed and said that taking short naps can definitely benefit a person in many ways.

benefits of napping

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– Relaxation and mental health is good
-Reduces fatigue, anxiety and stress
Alertness is increased after a nap
– increases work efficiency
One study also revealed that napping may be especially beneficial for shift workers who cannot get enough sleep at one time and who have to be alert at irregular times.

more than 10 minutes of nap is harmful

Experts warn that napping during the day for long periods can interfere with a good night’s sleep. Dr Kulkarni said that the best way to take a nap is to keep it short, 15 to 20 minutes, and take it early in the afternoon. This is because when you take a nap in the evening, it affects the sleep cycle and you cannot sleep at night.

Long nap can cause these problems

Dr. Gupta told that in many studies and researches, it was found that long naps increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome.

Do this to avoid long naps

Timing is all that matters in a nap. Try to set an alarm before taking a nap so that you do not sleep for long.
Try to take a nap of 20 to 30 minutes early in the afternoon. If you take a nap late or in the evening, it will disturb your night’s sleep.
While taking a nap, keep all your troubles, worries, etc. aside so that when you wake up, you feel fresh and alert.
Do not consume alcohol and caffeine after 3 pm as doing so can disturb your night’s sleep.

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