know how many liters of water and sugar are required to make one liter cold drink

know how many liters of water and sugar are required to make one liter cold drink

Cold Drink: Summer season has arrived. People feel very thirsty during the summer season. In such a situation, some people like to drink water. So some people like to drink cold drinks. So some people drink other types of beverages. But if we talk about all these, cold drinks are consumed the most. Cold drinks come in many flavours. Different people like different flavours. There are many cold drink bottles of different sizes. Do you know how much water and how much sugar is used to make one liter cold drink? If you don’t know then let us know.

a lot of water is used

There are many media reports regarding the use of water in making cold drinks. In which it is said that a large amount of water is used to make cold drinks. According to the report of Business Standard, approximately 4 liters of water is consumed to make 1 liter cold drink. So there is also news that now it has been reduced to two and a half litres. It has been said in many reports that approximately 20 liters of water is used to make 1 liter cold drink.

According to the report of Howard TH Chan School of Public Health, a huge amount of water is wasted to make half a liter of cold drink. According to the report, approximately 150 to 300 liters of water is consumed. So if we talk about the use of sugar in cold drinks, then a normal 1 liter cold drink contains 110 grams of sugar. There are two types of sugar in cold drinks, one is glucose and the other is fructose.

Drinking too much cold drink will cause harm

People drink a lot of cold drinks during the summer season. But you should know that drinking cold drinks in large quantities is harmful for health. Drinking too much cold drink increases the risk of diabetes. So those people who consume more cold drinks. Such people also remain at risk of heart attack. Along with this, drinking excess cold drinks increases fat. The soda present in cold drinks also weakens the bones of the body.

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