Know how many patients of cervical cancer are there in India, a dangerous disease for women.

Know how many patients of cervical cancer are there in India, a dangerous disease for women.


Model and actress Poonam Pandey has died of cervical cancer. After his death, discussion about cervical cancer continues on social media. There are many people who do not know about cervical cancer. Today we will tell you how serious a disease cervical cancer is for women and how many cervical cancer patients there are in India.   

What does the data say?

Cervical cancer is a serious disease all over the world. In India too, cervical cancer patients are increasing rapidly. Talking about statistics, in 2022 alone, 1 lakh 23 thousand 907 cases of cervical cancer were reported in India. In which 77 thousand 348 women have died due to this disease. One out of every five cervical cancer patients in the world is in India and in the whole of Asia, India has the highest number of women affected by this disease. According to the Lancet study, China comes after India. Apart from this, a total of 6 lakh 4 thousand 127 cases of cervical cancer were registered worldwide in 2022, out of which about 21 percent cases were from India.

What is the main cause of this disease? /p>

If cervical cancer is explained in simple language, this disease mostly spreads due to sexual intercourse. This cancer affects the upper cells of the lower part of the pelvis or uterus called the cervix. This cervix is ​​directly connected to the pelvis at the top and to the vagina at the bottom, due to which the biggest danger to it is through sexual intercourse. HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is responsible for this cancer. Which easily enter from one person to another during sex. After which this virus starts spreading slowly. 


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The second most dangerous disease among women

At the same time, falling prey to this virus After this, it takes several years for the symptoms of cancer to develop in the patient. This is the reason why a person does not know how long he has this disease. After breast cancer, cervical cancer is the second most dangerous disease among women in India, which is mostly affecting women between 40 to 60 years of age. However, this time the government has announced free vaccine for cervical cancer in its budget. 

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