Life goes on with a natural age. Just as youth comes after childhood, similarly old age comes after youth. The body is as healthy and fit in youth, but as old age comes, the body starts becoming weak and many changes start taking place in it.

Usually, changes start appearing in the body after the age of forty. The risk of weakening of bones, muscle loss, vision loss and many kinds of brain-related problems start scaring as soon as old age sets in. Let us know today what kind of changes take place in the body when old age begins and the risk of which diseases increases.

After reaching the threshold of old age, the body starts giving some signals. Bones start getting weak. Fatigue prevails. Digestive problems start because metabolism slows down in old age. Problems of high BP or low BP start occurring. There is lack of sleep at night. With increasing age, the cartilage of the joints gets worn out, which causes joint pain and joints start getting weak.

It is common for BP to remain unstable in old age. After a certain age, high and low BP becomes risky. At this time, patients with high BP have an increased risk of heart-related diseases.

In old age, the risk of weakening of eyes and cataract increases. Risk of diseases like weakening of eyesight, myopia, glaucoma and cataract are signs of old age.

Muscle weakness also troubles in old age. Muscle loss often occurs at this age. In such a situation, the muscles of the body start shrinking. The muscle tissues start getting damaged. This reduces the flexibility of the body.
Published at : 23 Jul 2024 06:19 PM (IST)