Know why children are wearing glasses at an early age, what is the reason, what is the solution

Know why children are wearing glasses at an early age, what is the reason, what is the solution

Child Eye Care: Nowadays, children wear glasses at an early age. This problem is increasing rapidly and there are many reasons for it. Children’s eye problems (Kids Eyes Care) are increasing due to many reasons like increasing use of smartphones, excessive exposure to sunlight, lack of nutrients in food. In such a situation, if there is pain in the eyes from time to time, problems like blinking in sunlight, difficulty in reading, then it should not be ignored because it can lead to wearing glasses. In such a situation, doctors are telling 10 such measures, due to which you can save children from wearing glasses.

10 tips for taking care of children

1. Children’s eyes should be checked regularly. This will help in timely detection of eye problems and help in treatment.

2. Make children’s diet healthy. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins in your diet.

3. Children should take at least 9 to 11 hours of sleep at night. This gives rest to their eyes and helps in reducing fatigue.

4. Reduce children’s watching TV, computer or smartphone on a daily basis. Otherwise stress and problems may increase.

5. Encourage children to exercise regularly. This will help in making the eyes healthy.

6. Whenever children go out, ask them to wear sunglasses. This will protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.

7. Ask children to look at objects at a distance of at least 20 feet for 20 seconds in 20-30 minutes. This will give relief to the eyes.

8. Protect children from rubbing their eyes. Otherwise there may be problem of irritation and swelling.

9. If children are wearing glasses, ask them to use them regularly.

10. If children have any eye problem, consult a doctor on time and follow his advice.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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