Leave aside fever and diarrhoea, this creature is not even affected by cold in its entire life, what is the reason for this?

Leave aside fever and diarrhoea, this creature is not even affected by cold in its entire life, what is the reason for this?

Humans become victims of diseases. Most of the creatures living on earth become victims of some disease at some point or the other. But there is one creature which diseases cannot even touch. Actually, we are talking about sharks living in the depths of the sea. Let us tell you today in this article, what happens inside a shark that no disease can touch it.

Shark’s immune system

Sharks are known for their special immune system. It is said about them that these fish rarely fall ill. A recent research has revealed that sharks have a very strong immune system against many diseases and infections. Let us now tell you how the immune system of these fish is so strong.

Why is the immune system of sharks strong?

Actually, The main reason behind the strong immune system in sharks is a special type of protein. According to researchers, the immune system of sharks is different from that of normal fish. Shark cells specifically produce a type of protein called "antibodies" They are said to be effective against bacteria and viruses.

In addition, sharks "transferrin" There is also a protein called naam, which regulates iron and helps in reducing inflammation. These two proteins greatly strengthen the immune system of sharks. "JD-T Cell" And "binary antibody" Like there are special types of antibodies. These antibodies not only recognize bacteria and viruses, but also help the shark to deactivate them. Although these are found in many fish, but these antibodies are more effective in the immune system of sharks than other fish.

Living in deep water is also a reason /p>

Due to the way a shark lives, its immune system becomes very strong. Actually, sharks often live in deep and cold waters, where the number of harmful bacteria and germs is very less. Apart from this, sharks are adapted to their environment, due to which they can face all kinds of situations.

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