Leaving the job, women only do hair grooming, they are crazy in lakhs, crores of rupees are bid to buy tresses!

Leaving the job, women only do hair grooming, they are crazy in lakhs, crores of rupees are bid to buy tresses!

Woman gives up career for hair care: Everyone has their own hobby and some things come naturally to them, which if recognized on time, can give success to a person. Similar is the story of Jasmine Larsen, who made her beautiful hair a ladder to her success.


According to The Sun’s report, when Jasmine Larsen was 25-26 years old, she left her well-paying job and started focusing only on her beautiful hair. She was working as an editor after completing her degree in Biochemistry.


Meanwhile, her mind was diverted from her job and she became a full-time hair influencer by focusing on her hair. He now has over 1 lakh followers on Instagram and runs a hair accessories company called Lars Haircare.


Seeing Jasmine’s hair, many of her fans have become. These people are so crazy about her hair that men are ready to pay crores of rupees to buy her hair. A person had even offered £200,000 i.e. more than Rs 2 crore to buy her hair.


Not only this, many fans also request him to make personal videos of his hair and share them. While many people also live to make hairstyles. Not only this, only because of his beautiful hair, he has no dearth of marriage proposals.


Jasmine has never cut her hair since the year 2017. She uses silicone free oil for her hair. Her favorite hairstyle is English braid, which prevents hair from getting dry. She tells that since childhood, her mother used to make braids and send her to school.


Today Jasmine thanks her mother for protecting her hair through this hairstyle. There are people who like the show off of their hair, so there are many people who troll them for not donating wigs for child cancer victims. (All Photos Credit- Instagram/jasmine_lars)

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