Leopard: What to do if you see a leopard around the house, whom should I complain to, will I get immediate help?

Leopards usually do not attack humans. But to protect themselves, they start hunting the enemy. If you are passing through leopard area or are in a forested area, then you should be careful and also you should keep some things in mind to avoid being prey to leopard. Let us know about those things.

Keep these things in mind

First of all, whenever you go to a forest or leopard area, try to travel with a group. Going to such a place at night can prove dangerous. Do not provoke or corner the leopard, by doing so you may become its victim. If you encounter a leopard, move back quietly, do not run away. Keep in mind that if you encounter a leopard, its  Do not look eye to eye.

Face the leopard

If the leopard moves towards you to attack, do not run away but stand up and shout loudly and face it. If a leopard enters your house, then you have to wisely lock yourself in a room and inform the maintenance department, police or neighbor about it. If the leopard is at a short distance, then you should immediately find a hiding place and hide in such a place where the leopard will have difficulty in coming. One should never get scared or run away in front of a leopard. By doing this it can create trouble.

Contact the forest department

Sometimes leopards enter the village. Due to which people remain worried, in such a situation, lock yourself in the house and inform the police or forest department. You can also call number 100. With this, the police of your surrounding area can come and protect you. The forest department team is constantly busy searching for the leopard. If any such problem occurs then contact the police or  Please contact the forest department. 

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