Lifestyle News Know Importance Of Father’s Health For Healthy Baby

Lifestyle News Know Importance Of Father’s Health For Healthy Baby

Father’s Health For Healthy Baby: Often we have heard people around us, elders, relatives saying that it is necessary for the mother to be healthy for a healthy pregnancy and for the birth of a healthy baby. Of course, this thing is also correct, but is it necessary that only the mother should be healthy? No, the health of both the parents is important for giving birth to a healthy child. If you are also thinking about family planning or are in the early stages of pregnancy, then this is very useful news for you. Today we are going to share some important things on this topic in this article.

Father’s health matters for healthy baby

According to medical science, the health of the father during pregnancy can make a big difference to the child. Actually, an article was published in WebMD. In this article, the study done on about 786,000 born babies has been mentioned. Many things came out in this research. According to this study, men whose health (Father’s health for healthy baby) was not good, the risk of their child being born before time increases. Not only this, there is a high risk of the baby having a low birth weight. In such a situation, it is very important for both the parents to be healthy for the child to be healthy.

Abstain from alcohol before baby planning

When a woman becomes pregnant, family members are often seen advising her that she should take healthy food, but let us tell you that it is very important not only for the mother-to-be, but also for the father. According to a report, before conceiving the wife, the husband should avoid some things. Actually, in such a situation, the risk of birth defect i.e. birth defect increases in the child due to excessive consumption of alcohol by the husband. In such a situation, it is necessary that both the husband and wife should get a complete health checkup done during the planning for the child, so that the problem can be detected in time and its treatment can be done.

Father’s problems become harmful for the child

At the same time, according to the information published in WebMD, if the health problems caused by men can also cause serious damage to the health of the baby. If the father has conditions like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cancer or depression, the following conditions can be created for the child.

1. The chances of the baby being born prematurely increase by 19 percent.

2. The risk of having a low birth weight baby is 23 percent higher.

3. If the baby has to be kept in NICU also, this risk is about 28% more.

healthy child is the responsibility of both

If there is any kind of birth defect in the child, then our society holds the mother responsible for it. Medical science says that it is not necessary that the health issue of the mother is the reason for the poor health of the child, the genes of the father can also be responsible for this. In such a situation, it is better to be alert in advance than to make allegations. For a healthy baby, both the parents should follow a healthy routine along with taking a healthy diet.

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