Lifestyle Tips To Identify Real And Fake Honey Here Is The Process

Lifestyle Tips To Identify Real And Fake Honey Here Is The Process

Real And Fake Honey Test: Honey is used as a medicine. The tastier it is, the healthier it is. High antioxidant properties are found in honey, with the help of which it helps to remove toxins from the body. Honey also contains many plant components, which keep the body away from many diseases. Because of these qualities, the demand for honey is also high. Because of this many honey companies have come in the market. Some of them are also making fake honey. Which also has side effects. But the biggest problem is that when fake and real honey are similar in appearance, then how to identify it? Let us know some home remedies to identify real and fake honey.

check honey real or fake with hot water

To check whether honey is real or fake, take a glass and fill it with hot water. After this, add one spoon of honey to it. If this honey sits at the bottom of the water, then know that the honey is real, but if it dissolves in water, it means that the honey is adulterated.

identification of real honey by fire

If you want, you can also test the purity of honey with fire. First light a candle and then wrap cotton in a stick and apply honey on it. Now keep it on the flame. If cotton starts burning, it means honey is pure. If it takes time to burn, it means honey has been mixed with water.

identification of honey from bread

You can also identify real and fake honey from bread. Apply honey well on the bread and leave it for 5 minutes. If the bread is getting soft or wet, then it means honey is adulterated, whereas, if there is honey then it will look like honey has been applied on the bread.

Checking the purity of honey with thumb and finger

Keep a drop of honey between thumb and finger and look at its string. If the honey is real, then the string will become thick and will be deposited on the thumb. If adulterated, it will spread like a thin wire.

Test the purity of honey with vinegar

Put one big spoon of honey in a glass and add 2-3 drops of vinegar and some water to it. Leave it for 2 to 3 minutes. If foam is rising in it, it means that the honey is not pure.

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