Live snail placed on top of pizza, then cooked inside the oven, you will be shocked after watching the video! It is also very expensive…

Live snail placed on top of pizza, then cooked inside the oven, you will be shocked after watching the video!  It is also very expensive…

Many times people try unique recipes in restaurants. So many times the restaurants themselves present strange recipes which leave people astonished. A famous restaurant has shared a recipe on social media which attracts attention because of the strange addition. People are also liking this recipe. We are talking about a flatbread that looks like a pizza. Its recipe looks good initially. But later the people of India did not like it because in this the live snail is put directly in the oven.

A similar pizza recipe is also being mentioned a lot. In this also not one but many snails are used. The flatbread recipe of this London restaurant named Roe is named Snail Vindaloo Flatbread while its pizza version is Vindaloo Curry Pizza. it’s topped with snails

To make Vindaloo Curry Pizza, Restaurant Row chefs first cook finely chopped gastropods with bacon. They are then topped with a generous amount of curry sauce made from a mixture of spicy spices. After simmering for a few hours, the mixture is spread on the dough and cooked in a pizza oven.

While the method of making Snail Vindaloo Flatbread is also almost the same, the spices are also prepared in the same way in which they are cooked and applied on a thick ball of dough and it is first prepared in the form of bread, then the toppings are placed on it and finally Live snails are put in it and cooked in the oven.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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