Lobia kabab Recipe: Make protein-rich cowpea kebabs for breakfast, everyone will taste it

Lobia kabab Recipe: Make protein-rich cowpea kebabs for breakfast, everyone will taste it


Cowpea Kebab is a very nutritious recipe.
It is rich in protein, magnesium, calcium.
Eating cowpea kebabs in breakfast will keep you energetic throughout the day.

Lobia Kebab Recipe: If you get to eat hot kebabs for breakfast, then the day will be made. On hearing the name of Kebab, people’s mouth starts watering. You must have eaten kebabs made from potatoes, peas, bananas etc., but have you ever tasted kebabs made from cowpea? If you haven’t eaten, try making kebabs made of cowpea once in breakfast. Once you eat cowpea kebabs rich in protein, magnesium, calcium, you will feel like eating again and again. However, most people do not like cowpea. Most of the people eat cowpea after making it like dal, but if you make and eat cowpea kebabs once, you will start liking cowpea too. Let’s know what is the recipe for making cowpea kebab.

Ingredients to make Lobia Ke Kebab
Potato – 1
Cowpea – 1 cup
Green chili – 2
Onion – 1
Ginger – a piece
Coriander leaves – a little finely chopped
Cumin seeds – half a teaspoon
salt – as per taste
Garam masala – 1 tsp
Red chili powder – 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder – 1/4 tsp
oil – as needed
Chaat masala – 1/2 tsp

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Recipe to make Lobia Ke Kebab
Leave the cowpeas in water overnight in a bowl. If you want, you can also boil it in the cooker, but it may take more time to cook. Boil the potatoes, peel them and mash them. In the same way, when the cowpea melts, put it in a bowl and mash it well. Wash onions, green chillies, coriander leaves, ginger and cut them finely and keep them in a bowl. Keep a pan on the gas. Put one spoon of oil in it. Now put cumin seeds in it and temper it. Then add onion, ginger, green chillies and fry them. When it turns golden brown, add mashed cowpea to it. Stir well so that it does not stick to the pan.

Now add potatoes and stir. After a minute add all the spices like red chili powder, garam masala, coriander powder, chaat masala and mix it. Spices should not remain raw in taste, so cook it for a few minutes. Now turn off the gas and put chopped coriander leaves in it. Let this mixture of cowpea cool down. Now make small sized kebabs from this mixture and keep them on a plate. Keep it in the fridge for 15 minutes to set, so that the kebabs do not break while baking. Put oil in the pan and put 5-6 kebabs together and bake on low flame. When it turns brown from both the sides, take it out in a plate. Enjoy eating hot with tomato sauce or green chutney. These kebabs full of nutrients will keep you energetic throughout the day.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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